Once you’ve decided on a major, read through the entire course catalogue. And in the quest to seem profound and insightful, really cringy things happen. You could even try to put a twist on a person that might feel like a common choice.

If something is listed there, do not write about it here. If you applied previously to Barnard, whether it was as a first-year applicant or the previous year as a transfer, you will need to submit an entirely new Common Application or Coalition Application. I would say do it unless it makes your financial situation worse. While admission is highly selective, it is also holistic; no one criterion or score determines acceptance. You’ve probably been asked a version of this question before: Who would you invite to an imaginary dinner party? Barnard has long welcomed transfer students from colleges and universities in this country and abroad. In addition, current and past college transcripts must be requested. These “deep” questions are terrible because they are questions that aim to be profound but miss the mark because they don’t get to the important part of the prompt—the exploration of Barnard. For this type of prompt, brainstorming is key. To answer these questions, we carefully consider every part of your application: School records, recommendations, writing, and test scores, in addition to talents, abilities, interests, and personal history. In other words, a perfunctory application won’t cut it!

Let’s say that during your free time you love reading and researching raw food recipes, Broadway musicals, and hydroponics. Want the strategies we have used to get students into top Ivy League schools in your email box every month? You’ve probably been asked a version of this question before: Who would you invite to an imaginary dinner party? Barnard College 2020-21 Application Essay Question Explanations The Seven Sisters aren’t just women’s colleges, they’re also historic institutions that have helped carve out space for women in higher education. We consider each applicant in terms of their personal qualities, intellectual capacity, and the rigor of the curriculum they have pursued, as well as their potential for achieving at Barnard. We thought so. In a slight change from last year, Barnard has added “modern individual” to the list of women to choose from. must be resubmitted to reflect the most up-to-date information. Anything that you geek out over should work, UNLESS IT IS REPRESENTED OR MENTIONED ELSEWHERE IN YOUR APPLICATION. Look over your activities, resume, common app essay, and your first two supplements. What kinds of things drive your curiosity? At its core, this prompt is asking you one very simple question: What interests you? Instead of going through the list alphabetically, you should avoid topics that you know aren’t for you and do deep dives into the majors that sound interesting. On the other hand, if you’re relatively new to the idea of applying to Barnard, spending a few hours on the school website will help you paint a picture of what your experience could be like. At Barnard, we read each and every part of each and every application in order to review each student contextually and holistically. Start by brainstorming. , Katniss Everdeen, Hermione Granger… no idea is too absurd during the brainstorm and historical, local, or fictional femmes are equally welcome! Great phrasing, Barnard!

Some of our most well-known alumnae, such as Margaret Mead ’23, Zora Neale Hurston ’28, and Lauren Graham ’88, entered Barnard as transfer students. When you come upon a prompt that directly or indirectly asks you to demonstrate your academic or cultural knowledge, the key is to be confident and genuine.

Allow yourself to get genuinely excited, and that enthusiasm will shine through in your writing. A lot of people think that a short supplement is an easy supplement, which is not true. A question like this one is probing for an inkling of your interests and motivations. If you could summon anyone from the grave, who would it be? Start by brainstorming. Ideally, you’ll have a general idea of what you might like to study.

While you’re still on the homepage of your major, look through the list of professors. Maybe next time Barnard should test this one on a few teenagers to see how they define “bold.” Anyway, here’s how we’ll be approaching this with our clients: We’ll start by reading this part of the prompt: “Tell us how you would explore these questions at Barnard” which means “What resources would you use to at Barnard to answer your bold question?”.

If your question is about a certain type of Gothic architecture, you could start in the Art History and Architecture programs and look for professors and courses that will inch you closer to answering your burning question. If you’re thinking that the “(optional)” part of this question means you can pass it by, think again. FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK: as we mentioned earlier, this prompt is NOT optional. So give yourself time to brainstorm, draft, and refine before you hit submit! Yes, this means that you can’t write about Barnard’s community garden if you are not already doing something similar now. If you could summon anyone from the grave, who would it be? Admissions wants to accept intellectually curious students who are passionate about learning, enriching their understanding of the world around them, and putting what they’ve learned into practice.

Set a timer for 5-10 minutes and jot down every person that comes to mind: Charlotte Bronte, Tarana Burke, your great-great grandma, your biological mom, Katherine Johnson, Katniss Everdeen, Hermione Granger… no idea is too absurd during the brainstorm and historical, local, or fictional femmes are equally welcome! Remember, we hope to see how you might contribute to our intellectual community, and your choices tell us what kind of a student you will be. Write about why you’d like to be their research assistant, and explain what you’d bring to the table as a new addition to their team. What do you find particularly interesting? Who do you know the most about? This is an abbreviated version of the “Why Us” prompt, which means that you should do all of your research before you start writing. Who do you know the most about?

We review each applicant in the context of their school, community, and individual story, meaning that we will never compare applicants to each other. The Seven Sisters aren’t just women’s colleges, they’re also historic institutions that have helped carve out space for women in higher education. We recommend that students take every opportunity afforded to them to tell admissions more about themselves!

We recommend that students take every opportunity afforded to them to tell admissions more about themselves! Credit for approved work at another institution is applied to Barnard's 121-point graduation requirement for transfers with a … Barnard's general education requirements cover a wide range of subjects: literature, the social sciences, language and the arts, lab sciences, and quantitative areas.

This will add another dimension to your application, and this is the route that we will likely take with our TKG clients. We're incredibly proud of all of our Barnard students. And you might need to allocate a sentence or two of BRIEF biography on your chosen woman. Your goal is to prove that there is a strong link between Barnard’s offerings and your interests, AND that you’ll be an asset to the community, so be sure to set aside a lot of time to dive into the website. There are a lot of ways to mess this one up.

With that being said, should you get in, you can major into whatever you want to. You should now identify 1-2 classes from the catalogue that you’d like to take and make sure that they’re upper-level classes. While the type of writing is different, they require just as much time as the common app essay. Look at your relative strengths and weaknesses, and choose classes that will enable us to view your application in the best light. Around 80 transfer and visiting students matriculate to Barnard each fall and 20-50 enter in the spring. However, we will have access to your prior application materials other than the Common or Coalition Application. Think: “Coming from a small town, I want to push myself to experience college in a global setting while still maintaining the kind of close-knit community I’m used to.” With such a specific topic sentence, this student could fill her essay with personal details from her life at home while drawing a connection to the type of experience she hopes to have. In a way, this prompt is redundant. What do you find particularly interesting? This is because writing supplements take an incredibly long time, and they require research and thoughtful structure. The acceptance rate for the class of 2024 was just under 11%. Admissions wants to accept intellectually curious students who are passionate about learning, enriching their understanding of the world around them, and putting what they’ve learned into practice.

And this prompt is no exception (especially because it is SUCH a fun one!). You need to already be familiar with the topic (hence us asking you to make a list of your interests) to be able to figure out what you’re going to talking to your woman about. Granted, Brown is still hard to transfer to so it wont be a given. If you’ve been planning to apply to Barnard for a while, research will help you solidify your reasons with concrete details (e.g.

We will use previously submitted standardized testing and final high school transcripts that have been sent to us for previous applications. If you are a writer, HerCampus might be a good fit. It will be easier to write about someone you are genuinely interested in—and the results will be more personal and memorable!

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