Being hardy and prolific, they made the best use of extensive range. At the age of 72, with land being sold around her to people who were not tolerant of her goats free roaming ways, the breeder has entrusted her beloved Jericho herd to Shan and Courtney Norman, Broken Diamond Livestock, Montgomery Alabama, where they continue to breed this unique line of goats, so that their exceptional adaptations can be used to strengthen Spanish goats everywhere. Here rolling pasture land meets steep, limestone rich mountains with many springs, an ideal place for goats to thrive. This is a list of those breeders who have been verified as Spanish goat breeders. In the twentieth century, imported breeds competed for farmers’ favor. They do not breed for meat, and prefer a brown coat to black. They also raise Savanna and Savanna-cross goats, but the Papes keep the different breeds on separate ranches in the area. Wormers and vaccines are not used on the goats, and are not necessary in the climate. And he had learned from the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy that Spanish goats had been assigned as a conservation priority. He enjoys them. Welcome Page They’re daring and fast, and seem to defy the abilities of any livestock guardian. Named after Robert and Doris Kensing, Menard, Texas He brings to the table longer legs which should add some height as well as even more parasite resistance to our herd. The nannies kid unassisted in the Spring, and usually have twins, although singles and triplets are not uncommon. Return to Top The Morefield breeding herd started with cashmere does from Chris McGuire, via Kathryn Cooper, a former cashmere breeder in Southern Ohio. Named after Wesley E. Sawyer, Sonora, Texas Cashmere is no longer tolerated. "Bayken", pronounced like "bacon" is 100% Spanish out of Baylis Spanish and Kensing Spanish bloodlines hence the name "Bayken". And have also added some heavily-cashmered Syfan goats, and some Smoke Ridge. They are raised on natural forage using rotational grazing with hay provided in the winter December-April). Weinheimer has seen coyotes kill one third of his nannies and 100% of his kid crop in a 3-week period. And they're still just as thick. Nanny kids are weaned about 5-6 months old depending on weather and available forage for the nursing mothers. The Weinheimer goats tend to have horns that show less of a twist than most Spanish. Muddy Run Farm provides mineral blocks with selenium to compensate for the low levels of selenium in regional soil. Tom Syfan passed away on August 10, 2013. However, solid colored bodies are preferred. your own livestock was probably grazing on theirs. Nannies tend to weigh 130?50 lbs, billies weigh approximately 200 lbs. . Predators weren’t a great problem in the area, either, in Baylis?time. I will go ahead and get that going and get some pics of my big ole pregnant does waddling around right now that are only halfway through their pregnancy and take everyone right through birth and all the way through to weaning and when they leave the farm. He brings to the table longer legs which should add some height as well as even more parasite resistance to our herd. Smoke Ridge feeds no grain or concentrates. If weather conditions through the growing season are normal, about 10% of the does will have triplets, most will have twins, and there will also be single births. (Privacy Policy) *, © 2020, Countryside - All Rights Reserved. One exceptional year boasted a 185% weaned kid crop. Smoke Ridge deworms their goats twice per year, one month before kidding and one month before breeding. | How to Get the Perfect Goat Picture Every Time ». Sawyer breeds for good conformation, good udders, and “attitude;?he has no time for overly-wild goats. Wood has always preferred a goat that could survive well without too much human intervention. Valera How to Get the Perfect Goat Picture Every Time ». Chris Oldt and J.Frank Baylis receive the prestiges herding group breeder of the year winners. He is presently building up the size of his herd, but slowly and carefully, culling about 25% annually. Breeder List The Papes enjoy a reputation for having great goats, and have shipped goats to breeders throughout the United States. Eagles are rarely seen on their ranch, and the goats are safe from raptors beneath the trees. How big are Spanish goats? Productivity: Spanish dams’ litters performed better than Boer and equal to Kiko when monitored in Nashville. All of a sudden, everyone wanted them. The colors vary, at one time having quite a few solid reds, but tend to be black or brown, usually with a badger face. In the early 1970’s Mrs. Betty Joe Rudder began to concentrate on improving the family’s goat herd. Mr. Stallworth passed away in late 2014. Strong, fertile, and parasite-resistant, this is the kind of goat that big ranchers dream about. Bradshaw’s first goats came from neighboring ranches: Doug Jones, the Robinson Ranch, and the Abernathy herd all contributed to Bradshaw’s original Spanish herd, and he added a few choice goats that were selected carefully from the auction ring. IntechOpen. Although there are occasional attacks by eagles, bobcats, and foxes, there are no coyotes around. Origin: Spanish colonists brought goats to Caribbean and Mexican shores during the 1500s. Weinheimer has tried to work every anti-coyote angle possible: government trappers, dogs, bait capsules, donkeys (who killed some kids themselves so they were booted off the ranch), llamas, you name it. The llamas are effective against the occasional coyote, and are easy to care for as they forage with the goats. Kensing would pay the price for excellent bucks—$300 in the 1980’s to bring bucks of excellent conformation into his herd. Posted February 2013 Fees? Many Texans lease their land to deer hunters, and Syfan is among them, so the Akbash is not his first choice. Main Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. The Kensings?ranch features gently-rolling hills and great expanses of oak trees. In this respect, Angoras and sheep were too valuable as fiber animals. Predators include mountain lions, bobcats, foxes, raccoons, and eagles, and the Adcocks have had some success in keeping them under control. The bucks are never separated from the does, and mate selection occurs naturally. But the Papes won’t give up yet, and continue to do their best to conserve this endangered breed. Their feed is supplemented only if necessary in the winter with 20% protein blocks. Because of this, the herd uses a mixture of inbreeding and linebreeding, which has worked well for decades. Michael worked as the Ranch Manager for Mr. Stallworth. Syfan Shurley primarily chooses Spanish goats that are structurally sound. With the exception of eagles, all predators are kept under control by hunting, trapping, and coon dogs. His family raised angoras, but when the mohair subsidy ended, Bradshaw, then a young man heading-up the ranch, switched courses and began to raise Spanish meat goats. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Many times the goats stopped traffic while jumping pasture fences to head to the mountains. Their herd is comprised of a variety of colors, and includes slight variations in horn shapes, some curving slightly, some rising straight.

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