When you read multiple series at a time its hard to keep tabs on the story when the next book comes around. Our site is unique in that our summaries are tremendously more detailed and specific than those of most other sites. We’re three siblings who read different styles of books and don’t always have time to get together to gush about them. SPOILERS for The End of Her by Shari … Usually this happens when the next book in a series is coming out and I just want a reminder of what happened in the first few books. I always try to find summaries to jog my memory so I was pretty surprised (and pleased) when this popped up. I love your website and I think it is easy to use, helpful and one of a kind. So far, we have only written recaps for active series (those that still have at least one book yet to be published). If you haven’t heard from either of us yet, the form for submissions is near the bottom of this page: http://www.bookseriesrecaps.com/author-book-series-list/. Therefore, if you know what kind of book you like, you can find other authors who write similar kind of stories. I’m Sara and I have found myself, many times, trying to find complete book series summaries with spoilers of books I have read. – Lizzie, Lizzie, Please see https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Moon-John-David-Bethel-ebook/dp/B01MDKONQO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1478904578&sr=1-1&keywords=blood+moon+john+david+bethel and if you’d like to take a look at the novel, I’d be happy to send it to you. Need a refresher on the first two books in the series before buying the new release? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases....hey, we had to upgrade our hosting due to our amazing number of readers...we're just trying to pay for it! We have many genres including The rankings are based on the website, channel and app’s popularity, user base, usefulness and social media following. That will also provide an email address. We won’t hold back on our strongest feelings about the book, and you can expect appropriate memes, all-caps, and some MAJOR gushing. Two things: You’re doing great work here. SPOILERS for The Searcher by Tana French . I mean, when an author publishes one book a year it may mean that it’s been years since I read the previous books! Let’s share with them. Nov 1, 2020. Keep up the good work. It’ll be oh so very professional, we assure you. SPOILERS for Invisible Girl by Lisa Jewell Read more Share: Labels: Lisa Jewell. I love series, but I forget between releases the fine details. If you relate, boom! Look forward to chatting more about this!

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