Chiron must meditate between these two extremes, gaining both their energies. You may not get any recognition for it, you may not even get a thank you, but that’s the point. We all carry a hefty load of baggage, and most of us must endure the suffering caused by a profound psychological wound. We’re unlikely to feel confident enough to rock the boat. Mercury Retrograde Whatever Chiron is, its orbit between Saturn and Uranus gives the asteroid a very slow transiting speed: It takes nine years for Chiron to go through a single sign and about 49 years to go through all twelve zodiac signs. In modern astrology, he stands for the deep karmic wounds in the subconscious that we have come to this life to heal. We will also learn more about ourselves in the process: Who are we at our core? He was a Centaur and the son of a god, Cronus, making him immortal. Chiron’s location between Saturn and Uranus highlights the connection between the old and the new, the past and the future, the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. Celtic Fire Festivals Beltane Chiron entered Aries, beginning a new zodiac cycle, on April 17, 2018, but retrograded in Pisces on September 25, 2018. In our natal chart, whatever sign Chiron is in represents the wound we’ll need to heal during our life. April Fool What will we become? In this Chiron in Aries, we are encouraged to “think outside the box”. The sorrows and sufferings of the deep past are activated, brought to the surface, and we are given the chance to resolve them: to awaken from the sleep of ages. We have a high need to stick with tradition or familiar methods, and ideally, we’re learning from past experiences, love, family, and attachments. Gemini (May/June) The Elements Diwali No pressure! This is the era of rebels. Virgo (Aug/Sept) One of the most positive uses of this transit is a drive to better ourselves. However, when Chiron enters Aries, we have to face the consequences of our selfish actions and learn to help others. Astrology & Health Chiron was a Centaur who was a healer and a teacher of some of the great heroes of Greek mythology. Gemini's ruler, Mercury, stations and turns direct today after three weeks of retrograde motion. He sacrificed himself so that Prometheus could be released from the underground. Monthly Tarotscope Christmas The Moon spends the day in the sign of Cancer. This morning, Leo’s ruler, the Sun, forms a quincunx to retrograde Mars, presenting some mild challenges and disrupting the flow. Mercury first formed a lower square to Saturn on September 23rd and then, while retrograde, returned to the square on November 1st. A more detailed examination of Chiron can be found at Chiron and Friends, by Zane B. Stein. That’s why Chiron’s symbol is in the shape of a key: It unlocks our powers to heal and find inner peace. ? The centaur Chiron was not like the rest of the centaurs. Chiron’s entrance into Aries will teach us how to let go of our anger and deal with it before it burns out of control. This is the third and final in a set of three. Chiron, as a wounded healer, first must face issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above these issues. A healer should experiment on himself first and then try to heal others. Mercury in Scorpio seeks truths in all that is hidden and undercover. Understanding who Chiron was in Greek mythology expresses all there is to know about this subtle, yet majorly complex sign. This instinct to shift the blame will become stronger during this transit as we feel like everything is going wrong. 1st: on April 4th, 2020, at 24° Capricorn 53′ (first), 2nd: on June 30th, 2020, at 24° Capricorn 07’Rx, 3rd: on November 12th, 2020, at 22° Capricorn 52’ (final), 13nov7:36 pmMars turns direct in AriesDirect Station7:36 pm EST. Whether we are angry at the people who caused our heartbreak and trauma, at our government for letting injustices happen,  at ourselves for our limitations, or just mad at the universe, anger will be our response to pain, causing us to lash out and create more pain. Increased influence, faith, and insight are likely now. As the first sign of the zodiac, not to mention a fire sign with a Mars ruler, Chiron in Aries comes in hot. The void Moon continues until the Moon enters Leo today at 2:19 AM EST. Aries isn’t afraid to say, “Look! Here are the dates to watch out for: The last time Chiron was in Aries was from 1968–1977, and before that, it was 1918–1927. Like most planets and asteroids, Chiron got its name from Greek mythology. Currently Chiron is in the sign of Pisces until April 2018 when it moves into Aries. Here’s what your problem is! We will be able to come with new ideas, see things in different ways, and create the impossible. Heracles (Hercules) unintentionally wounded his teacher in the knee, during his battle with the centaurs. Some of us pick at them, forever dissecting and analyzing what these strange feelings are. 03novOverview of the DayNovember 3, 2020Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: tuesday) EST Event Type :Daily Overview, Tuesday, NOVEMBER 3

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