Il y a un enregistrement récent d'un miaulement en Europe, aux Açores en 2003. Smaller than most gulls in the UK. The body is grey above and white below. The UK is famous for its seabird colonies. Even smaller than a black-headed gull, with a small, dark bill. Cette page a été modifiée pour la dernière fois le 2 novembre 2020 à 20:46, This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article. [3][4], Breeding adults have red rings around dark eyes Kizhi Island, Russia, There are four subspecies, two of which are considered distinct species by some authorities:[3][5], Both common and mew gulls breed colonially near water or in marshes, making a lined nest on the ground or in a small tree; colony size varies from 2 to 320 or even more pairs. padding-left: 10px; This sport is now heavily discouraged. [6] By contrast, the Alaskan population is only about 10,000 pairs. The legs are greenish-yellow. Il existe quatre sous - espèces , dont deux sont considérées comme des espèces distinctes par certaines autorités: Les goélands communs et miaulements se reproduisent en colonie près de l'eau ou dans les marais, formant un nid tapissé sur le sol ou dans un petit arbre; la taille des colonies varie de 2 à 320 ou même plus de couples. Adult mew gull. The extent of the subterminal band was different on the outer tail feather of these three first winter birds. [3] There are differing accounts as to how the species acquired its vernacular name (see Etymology section below). Adults are told from most gulls by their large size, pale grey … En hiver, la tête est striée de gris et le bec présente souvent une bande noirâtre mal définie près de la pointe, ce qui est parfois suffisamment évident pour prêter à confusion avec le goéland à bec cerclé. In winter they have a dark mask stretching behind the eye. This bird’s feather-coat varies black rectrices, otherwise tails of feather. D'autres affirment que le nom n'indique pas son abondance, mais que pendant l'hiver il se nourrit de terres communes , pâturages courts utilisés pour le pâturage. The world's largest gull! [11] John Ray earlier used the name common sea-mall. The call is a high-pitched "laughing" cry. { Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) About Me. In summer they have a black hood, but in winter just a black cap and ear spot. } Classified in the UK as Amber under the Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the Red List for Birds (2015). Species. Common Gull variation It must be their name, for in over 30 years of birding I've never really looked at Larus canus – the Common Gull. Le nom "sea mew" est une calque du nom néerlandais "zee meeuw". Another common type of gull is the laughing gull, named for its unusual call. It is said that uncommon gull is a more accurate description. Considered the “rooster” of cities of port, these birds often wake sleeping residents early in the morning, and crowd coasts in high numbers. The overpopulation of this bird is a notable fact, to the point where there have been recent tales told by sailors of flocks thick enough to scatter sunlight and last a full five minutes before passing entirely. Adults have pale grey upperparts, yellow-green legs, a dark eye and a thin yellow bill. [9] The name "common gull" was coined by Thomas Pennant in 1768 because he considered it the most numerous of its genus. 1st winter Ring-billed Gull. The Wildlife Trusts is a movement made up of 46 Wildlife Trusts: independent charities with a shared mission. [7] There is one recent record of a mew gull in Europe, on the Azores in 2003. Their heads are small and smooth, with two black eyes and a small, curved, yellow beak. [10] Others assert that the name does not indicate its abundance, but that during the winter it feeds on common land, short pasture used for grazing. In winter the head is mostly white, with dark smudges on the ears and above the eyes. The global population is estimated to be about one million pairs; they are most numerous in Europe, with over half (possibly as much as 80-90%) of the world population. Adults have pale grey upperparts and dark reddish legs and bill. A medium-sized gull, it is similar in appearance to the larger, herring gull, but lacks the famous red spot on its bill. Newer Post Older Post Home. Ferrybank, Co. Wexford. It’s sides and back are consistently gray, and it’s stomach as well as head are white. Adult common gulls are 40–46 cm (16–18 in) long, noticeably smaller than the herring gull and slightly smaller than the ring-billed gull. Here are some of our top spots for seeing a gull roost. There is no notable difference between genders for the Common Gull. There are dozens of other gull species, ranging from the huge Pacific gull to the dainty black-legged kittiwake gull. They take two to three years to reach maturity. Adults are told from most gulls by their large size, pale grey upperparts and pink legs. L'appel est un cri de «rire» aigu. Mouette adulte. The Gull’s call is heard as a high-pitched squeal cry. The Gull’s call is heard as a high-pitched squeal cry. Uppertail coverts are white, streaked or spotted here. The Wildlife Trusts: Protecting Wildlife for the Future. It is further distinguished from the ring-billed gull by its shorter, more tapered bill, which is a more greenish shade of yellow and is unmarked during the breeding season. Larus appears to have referred to a gull or other large seabird, and canus is "grey". Les adultes reproducteurs ont des anneaux rouges autour des yeux sombres sur l' île de Kizhi , en Russie. Black subterminal markings can also extend as far as P4 as seen on this bird on the left compared to a bird in a similar pose with the black extending to P5. Life Span and Development The following two birds have a similar pattern, with the black extending to only P6. The large amount of Bone Horror Common Gulls was a horrifying sight to behold during the crisis; as they still called normally, but were rotting away as they threw themselves into groups of victims in hordes. The solid black wing-tips lack the white spots of common gull. For the aircraft, see, The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds, Vega gull (or East Siberian gull / Mongolian gull), Great black-headed gull (or Pallas's gull),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. When rest, the flocks will often group in large amounts, rarely resulting in a giant flock that may partially block sunlight, though this is only a result of their recent overpopulation which has since been fixed by the Bone Horror Crisis. The stereotypical gull. It can be spotted breeding at the coast, but is also partial to sports fields, landfill sites and housing estates in winter. Here are some of our best reserves for getting close to kittiwakes, puffins and other seabirds. The body is grey above and white below. [12], "Mew gull" redirects here. Le goéland cendré ( Larus canus) est un de taille moyenne mouette qui se reproduit dans le nord de l' Asie, le nord de l' Europe et le nord - ouest en Amérique du Nord.La sous - espèce d' Amérique du Nord est communément appelé le goéland cendré, bien que ce nom est également utilisé par certaines autorités pour toute l' espèce.Il migre plus au sud en hiver. Dolphin Gull, Larus scoresbii: The Dolphin Gull, also known as the Red-billed Gull, is a gull native to southern Chile and Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, and the Falkland Islands.They have grayish feathers, and the feathers on their wings are a darker shade. In flight, look for a distinctive white leading edge to the wing, visible at some distance. font-size: .8em; March 2015. Nial Moores, Birds Korea, December 23, 2004. The common gull can be found on farmland, wetland and coastal habitats throughout the UK. This page was last edited on 18 March 2018, at 18:38. Far East Asian Common Gulls: A Personal View of Variation in the Extreme. Well, if you are still reading, you probably like Common Gulls, so here is one last picture of an adult. One would surmise that the Common Gull is in general an unreliable creature as a result, which is accurate. There is no notable difference between genders for the Common Gull. While it serves occasional use to sailors and fishermen, these days it is known solely as a nuisance; an overpopulated one, at that.

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