Cultural and social structure dimensions include factors related to religion, social structure, political/legal concerns, economics, educational patterns, and the use of technologies, cultural values, and ethno history that influence cultural responses of human beings within a cultural context. In her earlier years in the nursing profession, she realized “care” as one of the important function in nursing. ‘Culture’ refers to the ways in which people in a given society live together and how they communicate with each other (Hendry,2008). Because of its intimate nature, as exemplified by the essence of nursing, nurses can make the most significant contribution to patients’ experiences, safety, and healing. Background and Historical Development of Multiculturalism in Nursing. The nurse will monitor home remedies that are unique to the patient during admission and determine if any of them are contraindicated with the medications which the patient was taking. Such change is reflected in public sectors such as healthcare, where the workforce and client base are becoming increasingly variety of ethnicity and culture diversities. The first, Transcultural Nursing Cultural needs such as language barrier, dietary restrict, and beliefs will be assessed. Nursing is a learned profession with a disciplined focused on care phenomena. diverse groups understand the social and cultural reality of the client, family, and community, develop expertise to implement culturally acceptable strategies to provide nursing care, and identify and use resources acceptable to the client (Boyle, 1987). Beth Fraser Culture has a significant influence in health-related beliefs and practices, according to an article by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). ‘Culture’ refers to the ways in which people in a given society live together and how they communicate with each other (Hendry,2008). Unquestionably, it is the theory of today and tomorrow and one which will grow in use in the future in our growing and increasingly multicultural world. In the nursing literature, bullying among nurses (also known as “lateral violence” or “horizontal violence”) is a scourge that eats away at nurses’ mental health and professional satisfaction. Also rituals that may affect the patient’s care such as dietary restrict will be considered. These can range from the best treatments for a disease process, to dietary needs, to even the people who are helping the patient in their time of need, This assignment will look at the impact of culture in professional practice and how it will affect patients and their needs in nursing. McEwen & Wills (2011) places Leininger’s Theory in the high middle range theory classification based on the level of abstraction or degree of specificity. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This paper will describe some of the key components of conducting a comprehensive cultural assessment. For this reason, it is one of the major responsibilities of nurses to provide culturally competent holistic care to improve patient outcome. Culture is a group's customs, habits, morals, and shared beliefs. My definition of nursing is similar to that of the ANA as well as of nursing theorist, Madeleine Leininger, Nursing theories have guided and improved nursing care practices for over 100 years. The rational for this is because of the beliefs in the Filipino culture by both prescribing doctors, nurses who administer the medications and the patient that there will be high incidents of the patient becoming addicted opiods when used in treating chronic pain. Cultural care repatterning or restructuring records, change, or greatly modify client’s life ways for a new, different and beneficial health care pattern (Leininger, 2002). Understanding of major concepts of theory is important to understand the whole theory. She. Analysis Of The American Dream In The Film Revolutionary Road, Values And Consumption In Mary Douglas's The Uses Of Goods. Her theory gives nurses avenues on how to provide care in harmonious way through applying the patient’s cultural beliefs, values and practices. Worldview, language, religious, spiritual, social, political, educational, economic, technological, ethno historical, and environmental factors affect culture care values, beliefs and practices.

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