Asperger's isn't an actual diagnosis in the new DSM V. That aside, the signs of Aspergers have nothing to do with INTJ personality type. r/INTJ is pretty much a circle jerk of people trying to validate why they're antisocial and lonely in life. Too systematic for INTP, too little empathy for INFJ. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We’ll take a deep dive into how women might experience autism differently than men do. Tweens, teens, and even adults with autism may have meltdowns and, surprisingly, they may occur even among individuals with high functioning forms of autism. Like "could be but also couldn't be". Do watch if you are interested. I knew a guy with aspergers and MBPT found him completely untestable. They might have trouble with eye contact or understanding/making proper body movements, they might talk about things obsessively and not understand when people are bored. fuck. My brother is overwhelmed by the fact that he can't read facial expressions and social cues, but my boyfriend just doesn't see the point in interacting with people unless there is a real purpose to it. I work with children with autism. I also can't stand loud noises and crowds. PDD-NOS once referred to a high-functioning form of…, The CDC recently reported a rise in autism rates so it's more imperative than ever to increase our understanding and awareness of autism spectrum…. Most INFJ's are good at reading body language and picking up on social cues (a sign that someone does NOT have HFA), which is why they tend to excel in health-related fields. That is, all the pieces fit and all the new concepts mesh together into a concept of the whole and that is when you know you are done. Individuals living with High Functioning Autism are also prone to high levels of emotional sensitivity. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Right? Eh, as someone who is an INTJ who may be autistic (I suspect aspergers), I think that there is a correlation, but it's not a super strong one. I don't like being touched either, especially when taken by surprise. ASD can be diagnosed as early as 18 months. There is little difference between Asperger's and HFA, autism disorders are all on a big spectrum so the lines are blurry, especially at the high end of functionality. It doesn't hurt to ask. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (Duh.) sigh I don't know what to do sometimes. IT should be noted, Aspergers has been removed from the latest version of the DSM for simply being too broad a categorization. If you think you have slight autistic tendencies the good news is that "No, you probably do not have autism.". 65 is the threshold for autism and i exceed it in every category. I don't understand people. The ability to intuitively understand mathematical answers on seeing a question and an affinity for patterns and puzzles means that your mind has a very high logical intelligence, and if I had to guess you enjoy abstract (theoretical) conversations with friends and the fixation on different topics probably moves to something new once it is 'understood'. There are tests like the ADOS, but I've only seen screening done in children, not adults. This version combined all autism-related conditions under one umbrella term — ASD. We explore the symptoms, causes, and treatment for nonverbal autism and how to find…, Often the child doing the bullying and the child being bullied are the same person. They do see overrepresented among the INTX types in particular though, INTJ/INTP. Slight provocations — such as your use of language, noise, or … I don't know if it qualifies as a formal diagnosis because my social skills might be a little TOO normal at times (for example, i dont absolutely suck at eye contact, making gestures, etc.). I completed the test and my score was 34 which got me worried a bit, not surprised tho. There's more to autism than just being socially awkward. I dont have "meltdowns" that autistic people often have, but the above things can make me uncomfortable. It’s often used to refer to people with autism spectrum disorder who read, write, speak, and manage life skills without much assistance. Sensing and Intuition is rather equal with a Sencing preference. They might obsess with certain topics to the exclusion of everything else. Also, although there may be a spectrum for autism, there's no such thing as being slightly autistic or having autistic tendencies--it's an all or nothing kind of deal. Treatment depends on each person’s unique symptoms. It bores me. I have no idea what to do with the consideration I might have slight autistic tendencies. INTJ is an exact description of a real personality syndrome based on bad theory. People with autism like to have in their mind what they're doing and when that changes it can make them very upset. Also, I am an INFJ and I work as a counselor. It seems INTJs are overrepresented here, with way more than 2% scoring above 32, but nowhere near the 80%. But i think if I had taken this test in my teens the score would have been higher. Mine isn't too bad, I do have some natural social ability (though obviously not very much). Instead, autism is now categorized by severity and may be accompanied by other impairments. I was reading a book on INTJs and they mentioned that INTJs usually display more autistic characteristics than other types. I definitely show a ton of symptoms. However, I would not label them as introverts necessarily. Please, please feel free to correct me if any of that is false speculation but your description sounds very familiar. Me, I cant stand certain fabrics like with many kinds of clothing, and wear sweats all the time as a result. Have you tried taking any steps to change it? I mean, when it asked if I enjoy social occasions, I wasn't sure how to answer, because while I enjoy the social occasions that I now make a point of putting myself in, yes, I enjoy them. But yeah. We often joke about it amongst ourselves. Since 2013, it's a part of the diagnosis of autism. Hmm.. Bad handwriting, trouble tying shoes, playing sports, etc. So I'm going to go with yes based on personal experience. A lot of people who have autism score very highly for neurodiverse and those without it are likely to score very neurotypical. Then there's rigid behavior and routines. There is a high correlation between HFA characteristics and those described in the Myers-Briggs INTP profile [1] description. Read on to learn more about high-functioning autism and the official levels of autism. For redditors identifying as or interested in INFJs (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se) as described by MBTI. Some people consider the two conditions to be the same thing, though high-functioning autism is not a formally recognized condition. Link for the test - I hate it. Quite frankly, I suspect I have autism and that I'm not just a bit socially awkward and introverted is because of how many weird quirks and symptoms I show. I am not sure I've contributed to the conversation in the way you hoped. There are a lot of misconceptions to do with aspergers and empathy, none of which I'm very good at explaining :p. There was a point in my life where I thought I may have had Asperger's, but then I realized I don't. People like to blame their "inept" qualities on something unchangeable, so they don't feel pressured to change it. I can enjoy some situations with "work friends" or acquaintances, but again, I generally only join in on the ones in settings I am familiar with and under circumstances I try to engineer in my favor. All in all, it either tells me i have traits of both, or that I lean toward aspergers. I find myself linking this channel a lot in this sub. Last medically reviewed on July 18, 2018, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of developmental factors that can cause social and communication issues. My interests are different, my views are different, my social skills suck, and there's a lot of clashing with others.

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