After a time, Nehemiah called them together in Jerusalem. Only Jesus can satisfy your soul: And guess what, God could have always operated like this but He did not choose to do that, “Sometimes they would have to actually go in and fight and see the Lord’s Glory from the battle ground and I believe that he did that because of scriptures like James, and Romans 5, where the tribulation were actually working to the good of the people”. When the Bible talks about the joy of the Lord, is it talking about the feeling and experience I have at the concerts in the park? They very specifically told us that if we did not step on the rope, it could very likely happen that the rope would go out with the buoy and we would have no rope with which to pull the person back in. 2 And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month. Sermon on the Joy of Jesus – Sermon outline by Tom Moore showing the joy that Jesus, a man of sorrows had and teaching us the joy we ought to have.. INTRODUCTION: A. Look what happen when Paul gets exposed to the Glory of God and his majesty………he spends his life as a missionary. Let me suggest a definition and then explain it out of Scripture. Now, they had returned to the land and they had rebuilt the temple and the walls of Jerusalem and they were beginning to settle into the land once again. Rather, it should be a day to rejoice. A Sermon (No. This is a lesson which provides guidance on how we can experience the power of spiritual joy in our Christian lives. 4. We will also be able to obey this command through thankfulness and praise. You know the routine. I do not want my life to be a factory of sadness. And that is what it means when Scripture commands us to rejoice. Nehemiah 8:9b-10; The people wept because they felt condemned at their own failures and shortcomings as they realized how far from God’s ways they had fallen. Take the Apostle Paul, Act 18:9– The Lord had to assure him that he would be okay and to not stop preaching, this is very similar to Paul’s encouragement of Timothy. And over time, our sermons scared many people away. Any exceptions to the above must be approved by The Bridge. It is the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and having His Spirit flourish in us. No one else need to judge you; you already know. This feast was held in the early fall, just after the harvest. But Ezra and the others told the people that today is not a day of grieving, but rejoicing in the Lord and that that joy in the Lord actually strengthens you. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.’ With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”. The story is told of a bigoted Chinese man who had refused to hear a missionary preach. Scripture: Philippians 4:1-7. About 50,000 people resettled Jerusalem and the towns in the countryside around Jerusalem. She had been married five times and was now living with a man. Sweet joy and love and Heaven, too. The meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. A description of the wonderful benefits of meeting in homes rather than a special building. These verses assure us that God has the end of the rope and will never let go. How did the people respond to what they heard? ��XVd &��p+* �E�"n����!ZЭ͔�BQ��[t�P�gb��F)G.��ee\P�W��D0����&��.�J*�j��!g\�Z�g��}ʞ��i���=��gH)[�+T�r�C"@n�#��Z�L�0��Ѻ1B0ץH��E|�z�U����0�[b.��^!v� ��?=v�ç�eD�y�D��N�{6���G��o�P%ـ8]u�f�]F��d�pʎhSN��@7��3-;�〝�@v�h-�M�$��h�@j���.R���kF�v2:G|��iȄPo�c They read about how God wanted to bless His people, but if His people rebelled against Him, He would cause them to be defeated. John 16:33. © 2020 SermonSearch. Joy Stealers———But let’s get down to why we are not always rejoicing in the Joy of the Lord: Psalm 51:12-After David had committed adultery and basically murder he came to repentance but his Joy in the Salvation of the Lord was gone. If this is you, I pray that as David did, you turn away from it and ask the Lord for restoration. God had deliberately led them to this moment in time...The Israelites were returning to God on this special day...The mourning of joy comes when we realize that we have put our lives together wrong and begin to discover God's instructions on how to take our lives apart and rebuild them.”.

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