ELAINE: Ah, (releases George’s ear) whether you're aware of it or not George had this pathetic little plan to, leave something behind so he could weasel a second date. Now, you're a heavy sleeper, right? ELAINE: You speak Burmese? (sits on couch, next to Kramer.) KRAMER: Oh the red. (starts munching on the broccoli, then spits it out) But after seeing you a couple of times, you sorta got stuck in my head, (sings) Ca-stan-za! Jerry: (about Kramer's apartment) You don't know what it's like in there! KRAMER: Newman, what took you... ah hey, hey Are they Sable? PETERMAN: Elaine. JERRY: I think your taking the trash out for this chicken place, but that couldn't be. GEORGE: Hey. Olymala Hungui. Anyway I know you told him you didn't have the hat because you didn't want to see him again. (Kramer's bouncing on the bed basking in the red light as he eats his Kenny Rogers chicken. JERRY: Can't you shut the shades? Kenny Rogers Roasters. JERRY IS AT HIS APARTMENT DOOR JERRY: You wanna grab lunch? Never the less, the expense account is for business purposes only. JERRY: (startled - eyes wide open) Hello, is somebody there? KRAMER: Roger's can't sell chicken around here, we got chicken places on every block. George starts to leave, so Elaine grabs him by the ear and pulls him back in SETH: Do you speak Japanese? Are these alive? JERRY: And one other thing, I don't want Newman using my... ELAINE: Oh hey! PETERMAN: I'd be happy to Elaine (he starts reading the form as she hands him a pen)... but I will have to see this hat. You don't know what it's like in there, all night long things are creaking and cracking. How things doing in accounting? KRAMER: Oh After Kramer splashes the tomato juice cereal on the wall, he attempts to clean it up, but does so poorly. WORKER: Get the hell out of here. I gotta move in with you Jerry. Randy, wait! JERRY: Wasn't that kind of important? GEORGE: So you - you really don't have my hat? Newman reveals himself, he was hiding in the bathroom. JERRY: That's a date? ELAINE: Well then you wouldn't mind if we took a second look around? Jerry heads for the freezer for some ice cream.) SALES WOMAN: You know what else we have that you might like? JERRY: I don't know Kramer, ahh, my concern is that .... JERRY: Hello. SETH: So how's your stand up career? GEORGE: Oh no I'm in already come on. With Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander. SETH: So you would have done it in Japan, but in English. HEATHER: No hat. GEORGE: What about this weekend? You know, its right across from my window. What do you think? BOY: Here, kneel here. All starches are a scam. I knew it! JERRY: Well, he called last night about 3 a.m. and we got to talking, he sells Russian hats down at battery park, forty bucks. It’s Roger Ipswitch. Meanwhile, the red neon sign of a new Kenny Rogers Roasters restaurant beams directly into Kramer's apartment. JERRY: Is someone there? By the third date, it's "By Mennen!". Season: 8   However, this strategy gets Elaine into trouble, when George leaves behind a sable hat she shouldn't have charged to the Peterman expense account. Elaine clicks over to the call waiting, putting Jerry on hold in the process.

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