In the mind of CJ, anyone can be a sergeant. Lying is looked upon in society as one of the most deceiving and unforgiving acts known to man. The word lie happens to be the most blunt of this group. For example, telling someone that it isn’t very cloudy outside when it is mostly cloudy, as you are trying to convince them to come outside. In the military lying to a non-commissioned officer is frowned upon, let alone a senior NCO. In the United States Military, there are rules and regulations you must follow, one of them being respect to a non commissioned officer. In the military lying to a non-commissioned officer is frowned upon, let alone a senior NCO. An agreement to commit a wrongful act by two or more persons is a conspiracy. I feel that a soldier's obligations to respect an NCO regardless of personal feelings inorder to get the job done. As a rule lying is very frowned upon in society, although we all take part it in almost every day. 9-19-12 MILITARY BEARING: When dealing with anyone senior in rank to you, handle yourself with absolute professionalism. If lying helps the overall in a good way than that it justified. Bravo 5-7 ADA It does not outline every single situation you may come into but if you live the... ...appointed to a leadership position above you, officers and NCOs. You should never have to be reminded of this because it is showing proper respect. I can understand the logic behind this point of view. Not only does it give off the impression that the person of lesser rank does not respect his elders, but it also degrades the private's trustworthiness.Trust is everything. When and if the action is repeated and not corrected while knowing better it becomes stupidity. Another way of lying is an indirect lie; this is when something is said that is true but incomplete, leaving out important or critical details. Like stated earlier there are some people that believe if the situation permits a lie may be told. To lie means to make an untrue statement with the intent to deceive, according to the Webster’s dictionary. “Palter” implies making unreliable statements of fact or intention or insincere promises. Soldiers think that they have a right to respect when they join the Army, and they do, but they often times forget that the NCO's who are there to lead them have earned theirs. Therefore, they do believe there are times when lying is right. A majority of the world’s population, no matter culture, race, gender, believes that the truth is what should be told and that if a lie is told there should be some sort of consequence to discourage the act of lying in the future. In that aspect I believe that if someone is an NCO they should work and live by the NCO creed. Either way, lying is not appropriate, even... ...pretty much one big family and have to be able to trust the people in your team to watch your back because that’s going to be the people that are the closes to you when you get deployed. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. For the most part the act of lying is viewed badly and is frowned upon in society .There are very limited exceptions but for the most part it is viewed as a wrong doing and will most likely for as long as mankind exists . Keep in mind that my comments are geared more towards the Army realm, but the basics are service wide. Without trust there can be no giving, no bonding, and no risk-taking. These are the people you are suppose to be able to trust, but how they can you trust them if they can’t trust you. If lying helps the overall in a good way than that it justified. There are many great leaders out there going out of their ways to take care of their soldiers. I feel there are three overriding themes that sum up what NCOs mean to the Army and explain just why they are the backbone of the Army. Lying to a non commissioned officer can be punished by UCMJ action due to the following reasons. The average day for a US Army Soldier consists of waking up at 0400 hours in the morning being to first formation; accountability formation by 0630 hours. If this does happen, there are consequences and repercussions from the actions taken on your part. And last but not least lying is a form of disrespect and disrespecting a noncommissioned officer can be referred to in article 91 which covers Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officers, NCO, or PO. It also will take any free time you may have, and can also limit your travel by telling you where you are allowed to go. This leads us to some questions one might have about lying. To lie means to make an untrue statement with the intent to deceive, according to the Webster’s dictionary. When a person resorts to lying to others they are only lying to themselves. The first of these views is that of the utilitarian. • Cadre lead first few days of PRT to ensure OC’s understood the standard. As former Sergeant Major of the Army Gene C. McKinney said "The NCO creed... is my rock and should be the foundation on which all NCOs build their two ideals- leadership and professionalism." Which when you start to have doubts you’re not going to be worried about do your job while in combat because you’re going to have other stuff on your mind and then that can get you or your battle buddies hurt or worse. The first of these views is that of the utilitarian. We are surrounded by lying especially in advertisement on television and billboards. This would be what people consider a “social” lie, when someone just changes small details to make the story more attractive. This is usually used when describing “small lies.” People, for a wide plethora of reasons, tell lies. To lie means to make an untrue statement with the intent to deceive, according to the Webster’s dictionary. ...Lying Today i am going to write a summarization on Chapter 2 of FM 7-22.7 Duties, Responsibility, And Authority of the NCO. ” We are all drilled on these seven army values from day one of basic, It is because of our organization’s need to maintain a state of constant order that lying can not, must not, and shall not be tolerated. ” Selfless Service “ Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own. My own, anyone in your chain of command, we are here for you. A couple examples of these views are the ones of Immanuel Kant and the utilitarian’s. “Prevaricate” softens the bluntness of a lie by implying quibbling or confusing the issue. While lying to anyone is unacceptable, lying to a person of higher rank, like an NCO, is even less acceptable. There are many different ways people can lie. In combat situations, if this respect is not well established, it can put the lives of soldiers in danger. This is why they have earned the position of a non-commissioned officer in the first place and should therefore be respected. It is always better to hold yourself accountable for your own actions, you will gain a lot more respect that way, first thing I am going to talk about in this essay is the seven army values and the importance of them to the army. After a certain point excuses become less relevant or believable and you are seen and/or treated as if you were lying. “Equivocate” implies using words having more than one sense in an attempt to say one thing but to mean another. Something doesn’t have to huge to be considered a conspiracy. You will use proper Military etiquette when addressing any OFFICER or NCO. How many different ways do people lie, why do they lie, and what different kinds of reactions does lying cause? In combat situations, if this respect is not well established, it can put the lives of soldiers in danger. This is an attempt to mislead one without feeling as if one has lied. I’m not going to speak about the officers, just the NCOs. Either way, lying is not appropriate, even if it was unintentional, and the liar should apologize appropriately when they are caught in a lie.

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