Then we were told to "Raise Heroes of Olympus" by The King of the Gods. To strap in attractive females. Annabeth came back with. Something about a huge storm on the Parthenon and outside New York. I was impressed. One of the guards, Arianna, struck the girl across the front of the thighs with a branch from a willow. They took the short cut down to the dungeon through his chamber. Next one will be soon. Good bye Persus Jackson.". Now to be fair I had already gotten one gift earlier from the gods. "Cool" I thought. I woke up about 7 by the sound of the construction of repairing the camp. The sun-god gave his sister a quick embrace and turned his attention back to Percy. "So is that all of our opinions? No to godhood." Before Reyna could kill Annabeth Piper expertly talked her down, with a little help from her charmspeaking. Apollo mused, his golden laurels clashing horribly with his shorts. He has been in the shadows, planning every step, and now, he strikes. Asked Leo. All the gods were like that. Before I could ask anything he snapped his fingers and I was back in my cabin sitting on my bed. Then I will allow to start working for the naiads as a servant in my household. But getting to being able to have sex with you would be hard which is why a second power of the gift is given. The naiad smiled at him. As I slowly woke up from my grogginess I looked around for the remote. ", "You do realize that this is his harem so I assume lord Perseus has ways of getting you to talk. What would you like instead? And that's when the dreams happened. But I was too hungry so I ran off to breakfast. We shall give you the room for a few moments. When we entered we bowed like it was customary. I looked at the rest of the Olympians and I saw my father, Ares, Athena, and Hera smile. But I'm getting side tracked. Luckily she didn't start screaming around. Hazel, Frank, and Reyna said they'd be on their way once we got our camp repaired. First fanfic! "Artemis, I've got this," Percy announced. Have you thought of my invitation? "I will keep you here indefinitely Stephanie. Your review has been posted. Artemis raised her chin slightly and gave him a dirty glare. Percy and Annabeth survived the war and get granted immortality and settle down alone on an island. I don't own Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus series at all. So we all went our separate cabins while Reyna went to the Big House since there was no cabin for her godly parent. That would be useful. After two hours of teaching Percy the basics the twins looked quite pleased with themselves. Redeemable for a power or wish. "Sis, we will catch up later. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. "You have us at a disadvantage," Apollo mused. "Hurricane's cooler" I added while getting a high five from Frank. Annabeth things it might be a good idea to seem like I have my hands full enjoying my harem. Beaches get old at some point I guess," Apollo mused and looked around at the north European forest. don't tell the others about this, except Annabeth. I do enjoyed yourself. Even if you hadn't discovered Artemis I cannot allow you to leave after breaching my private sanctum in the manner that you did. "Pretty easily. I turned it onto the news to see what the mortal think was going on.

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