Married to my high school sweetie for 30yrs. Lord, it is hard for us both to have these times of separation but Father, I pray that You would guard and guide him throughout the time that we are apart. As they face the prospect of making their own decisions about life, please help them seek your guidance through prayer. Thank You, Lord, that You have scheduled every day of our lives and that no evil can happen to him that is not permitted by You. to help give you the best experience we can. Focus on the faith, pride, and respect. It is with mixed emotions that we pre… I remember vividly when our first son was in his first semester in college and I opened the silverware drawer in the kitchen and got out 5 places settings to set the table for dinner. As I put the extra silverware back in the drawer, a sort of aching loneliness and sadness came over me. I pray that in Your grace, You would draw such children into a close relationship with You, so that many come to trust in You as their Saviour. Wherever they are in the world, I pray that You would lead and protect them from all the forces of evil. Free Daily Quotes. Be with him Lord I pray, and cover my dear husband with Your cloak of protection during this time that we are separated. Give us non-judgmental attitudes and listening hearts so they will feel comfortable sharing with us things that matter to them. The distressed finish of the wood complements the weathered-looking typography of the poem, further adding to this plaque's rustic appeal. Lord, for those that do not know You, raise up men and women and friends and strangers if necessary, to share the gospel with them. Love this image - Remember the service members in your bed time prayers tonight -, Country Music Lyrics - Quotes for Veterans -. If it comes to pass in the future that they need us to step in and intervene in a crisis situation, grant us wisdom and discernment. We pray these things in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the next time I talked with him we discussed the kinds of things that would be helpful for him to do for my peace of mind, such as letting me know he had arrived safely. I pray that many in the military forces, both in this country and abroad, come to trust the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Be with each family, care for the daughters and sons, From the tiniest babies to elderly mums. We can know in our mind that this day is coming, but there’s no way to prepare for the actual emotional feelings that will come. Strong in my Faith and love of GOD . I suddenly remembering that Jeff wasn’t home any longer and I only needed 4 place settings. Show us meaningful and helpful ways to remain in touch with them. Restrain us from trying to tell them exactly what they should do and re-train us to allow them to make decisions. Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I bring to You my dear husband, who is serving far from home in the military forces. Keep me trusting in You Lord, and be with me during our time apart. Return him home safely to his family I pray, for we all love him so much. Prayer for College Students and Colleges and Universities, A Parent’s Prayer When Your Hopes for Your Child Are Disappointed, Praying Your Concerns about a Romantic Relationship of a Family Member or Friend. Bring him into a right relationship with Yourself, I pray. I pray Your protection over each individual and every regiment and crew. Bring each one back home into the arms of their loved ones, I pray. It wasn’t easy. Thank You, Lord, that my dear husband is a child of Yours and trusts You as his Saviour. Bless each one and protect their families while they are separated in the defence of their countries. Father, I pray that during my course of basic training, I will be made strong by the things that You have placed around me to shield me, Amen. How do you do it? His college years were when I really learned how to pray for our son and to trust God. Here is a prayer for you to personalize for your family: We approach you in prayer thanking you for the many years you have graciously allowed us to play the role of parents who have acted on your behalf to nurture, care for, guide, support, love and teach our son/daughter___________________. The woman shared how she was in the grocery store and put yogurt in her cart and then realized that her son off at college was the only one in the family who ate it, so she had to put it back on the shelf. Give us the grace to share in their excitement and optimism over their new-found freedom and all of the possibilities it brings. Change our mindsets from that of a parent who has been in charge of their care for so many years into the mindset of one who is their refuge and a place they can come home to when they need nurturing, healing and solace. Thank You, in Jesus' name, Amen. All rights reserved. Fear, faith, and pride remain, and now add respect for your soon to be mature young man or woman for making a responsible decision. I pray that I equip myself with Your armor, Your word and Your Spirit so that I can endure the daily race. Karen Barber is the Founding Director of Prayer Igniters International, a Contributing Editor with Guideposts Magazine, the author of Surprised by Prayer and the creator of the Personal Prayer Power video/study series. My prayer is that she continues to grow in her love for our Lord till she, and as many others as possible, gets to be with Him forever. Follow Jesus Down the Mount of Olives. Establish a heart-warming visual reminder of your family values with this 'Prayer for My Son' plaque. We were fortunate to get maybe two emails a week and a phone call on Sundays. Loving Lord, I bring to you all those in the military who are serving away from their homes and families. Enlarge our hearts to love them unconditionally even when the conditions of our relationship get difficult. A Soldier dies on the battle field, at the gates of heaven where he met God. I pray that You give peace to military families who are in the process of moving. Lord, I know that having teaching and training from both parents is such an important part of a young child’s upbringing, and I ask that You would protect each one from any of the emotional disturbances that can surface when children are apart from one or more of their parents, for prolonged stretches of time. Be with every believer in the military who has accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. O Lord, there are times when he seems to be searching and other times that he seems to be totally disinterred in the gospel. Establish a heart-warming visual reminder of your family values with this 'Prayer for My Son' plaque. Would You Like to Try Fasting and Prayer? Ephesians 6:13. I pray that the actions that they are required to make, will not compromise their trust in You. I pray that in Your grace, You would draw such children into a close relationship with You, so that many come to trust in You as their Saviour.Protect parents of military children, and give them wisdom and love in the way that they treat their children when they return for their leave. He was safe. Give him the courage to defend our homeland without compromise, and protect him in every way. Help us to continually respect their adulthood and to set healthy boundaries to keep all of us from becoming entangled in living situations that cause stress, resentment and prevent growth. It’s always encouraged to feel, but use it to your advantage. May we all grow in grace daily and grow in love and appreciation for the wonderful gift that came the day you first made us a family. his farewell picture And so begins the hardest part of being a military wife...the long deployments. I also pray that those who have made a commitment to live their lives as unto You, will be able to witness to all those who are living and working alongside them. One thing I recall of the content of that parent orientation session was that it was when I first became aware of the term “helicopter parent” which they were gently trying to prevent us from being. Give him wisdom in all the decisions and choices he will need to make, and I pray that You would keep him from temptation during this time of separation. I need Your mercy and grace! Amen. It is a time of great potential not only for the son or daughter moving into the next phase of their life but also for the parents who have the potential of moving into the next phase of their prayer lives as they trust and rely on God in new ways to care for their child. The summer our second son was preparing to go to the West Coast to college, they had an orientation weekend where parents also attended with their incoming freshman. It comes with an easel for easy display on a mantle, curio stand, or bookcase. This I ask in Jesus' name, Amen. Further experience has shown me that even after they have left home initially for college, career or military and we’ve learned to adjust to their absence, there are further milestones such as when they get married or deployed to a war zone that brings back the same feelings of the initial letting go. Teach them the value of rest, worship and prayer. It comes as something of a shock to a parent when the day finally comes when they launch out on their own. At the beginning of one of the parent sessions, I was surprised when we gathered in a large lecture hall to see boxes of tissue placed throughout the auditorium. In Jesus' name, Amen. Praying about Tragedy? When they make a bad decision, give them the grace to learn from their mistakes and find your good way to get back on the right track. Our visits to campus were limited to one Parent’s Weekend a year. 82nd Airborne Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier. The distressed finish of the wood complements the weathered-looking typography of the poem, further adding to this plaque's rustic appeal. Instead, let us encourage them to solve their own problems so that they may develop their own toughness and inner strength to be resilient enough to move beyond setbacks, disappointments and failure and onto better things. Military Quotes. This I ask in Jesus' name, Amen. I pray that homes that are in this position, will be saturated with Your love, so that children do not feel rejected or afraid. I pray that those that are in authority over military matters, would make their decisions based on Your truths and be kept from implementing worldly philosophies and unbiblical attitudes on our troops. In Jesus' name, Amen. God in his wisdom (and also I believe in a divine exercise of his great and providential sense of humor) set up conditions with our second son going to college on the West Coast that prevented us from knowing on a day-to-day basis what was going on with our son. I ask that his heart is prepared to respond to the truth of Your Word. And he didn’t call us to tell us when I felt he should have to tell us that he had arrived safely. May the Lord God Jesus Christ be with me. … Jesus, I ask that You would be close to each and every child, for I know that children are very special to Your heart of love. I will be having my job interview on September 2, 2015. Thankyou, Ann, for sharing such beautiful thoughts on your son’s leaving home. Guard and guide each one in the decisions they make, and keep them from becoming hard and cynical in the tough training and life in which they are required to participate.
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