In a circle everything is interconnected. They do all source of enchantments and speak to the rising sun and the spirits of the land and all these works for them and with them. I decided to look up what pyramids symbolized. Spiritual heart on the right. My life has been about connecting my spiritual self to my circumstances, and I learned to meditate when I was 16. His real existence is a state of being; a consciousness at one with the Universal consciousness. Can you please send me your e-mail address. The circle is also a symbol of inclusion and interconnectedness with all creation. At the spiritual level the pyramid is a symbol for the integration of self-and soul. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The bottom of the pyramid represents a solid, earthy foundation, whereas the pointed top represents being able to reach into higher realms of consciousness. At this point, the seeker loses his identity and re-submerges in his original divine consciousness. Have you tried meditating or healing work inside a pyramid? The base of the pyramid stands for the body, the sides show the spiritual attempts, the point symbolises the harmonious union of the human with the ‘higher self-‘ (God). The Native Americans also sat in tipis to conduct rituals and ceremonies, which have a pyramid like shape to them. Your divine mind of the brain has 12 portals. There is also the body and intellect which, at his present stage of evolution, consider himself to be a separate egoist entity. Many churches are built with pyramid-like steeples and ancient pyramid structures can be found not just in Egypt, but in South America and parts of Asia. Follow these steps to use a pyramid for attracting and manifesting something you desire. At the spiritual level the pyramid is a symbol for the integration of self-and soul. The association of God with the circle (or vice versa) explains why many life forms, ceremonies, rituals, buildings in traditional African culture follow the shape of a circle. Full triangles to sit in can be rather costly, but smaller ones are much more affordable. it arrived nearly 3,000 years ago, they say, and has been guarded by a succession of virgin monks who, once anointed, are forbidden to set foot outside the chapel grounds until they die…. Truly Confused. They claimed that this contained the coffin of the pharaoh, but that since this had been stolen it was now empty. Wear a Sri Yantra charm necklace for wealth, strengthened relationships, peace and alignment with the universe. Just two days ago, in a dream I was being asked about my favourite place, and I responded “the Greatt Nile River” and I went on to say myself and the Nile River are intrisically linked. Abakhwetha (initiates at the circumcision school), during their period of separation, live in round shaped structures (ibhuma) which symbolise their birth into new life through their passage from boyhood to manhood. Hopefully all of your triangle and pyramid queries are answered, or you have some ideas of what to research next! From that general period onward, Africa, previously encompassing great societies whose influence was felt abroad and whose innovative characteristics greatly […], Phindela Publishing Group is a registered publishing organization. In your inside there is a point in which all levels cut themselves. I have always felt drawn to the pyramids of Egypt and while I haven’t yet visited them in person, it is definitely on my bucket list! and your research is marvelous. His real existence is a state of being; a consciousness at one with the Universal consciousness.”. Today, Christ has come as the “Lamb that was slain” and the first born son of God. If you’re hoping to wear a triangle to represent strength, one of the four elements, a trinity, or the Sri Yantra symbol, we’ve got options for all of them. Moses is known to have taken the Ark of the Covenant with him when he fled Egypt. Your altar will be a good resting place for your pyramid, but anywhere that you’ll see it regularly will work. Different levels of research have been conducted on the efficacy of pyramids and their energy. Without doubt, we need images to help us develop a spirituality of great depth which highlights that we each have something to offer, that my education and training does not make me a more worthwhile person than anyone else. This has been very interesting. In addition to its other properties, there are also various references to the Ark of the Covenant serving as a capacitor, and that this was the source of Egypt’s energy. Placing food, herbs and other supplements inside a pyramid has also been shown to increase their effectiveness and can actually help to preserve their structure. As you write and then place your paper into your pyramid, visualize your end goal. Right now there are two different opinions on this question. Each element can be represented through the use of triangles and each element has its own meaning. i am deligted with your article The pyramid has 4 faces. According to historic references, one of the reasons why Pharaoh chased the Moses right up to the last moment, and strove to catch him at whatever price, was the Ark of the Covenant…. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience. For example, men and women in a rural village sit in a circle, drinking home brew beer out of circular utensils, and circulate the utensils among themselves. The shape of the pyramids is chosen very carefully to reflect these underlying aspects of the divine unity. The three sides refer to the tri-natured aspect of God: God the creator, God the preserver and God the transformer. This is why it is hard to find evidence of these early spiritual practices. Jesus rebuked Satan on this having come to teach us the way to the father. Write down what you’re trying to attract or manifest on a piece of paper. In dreams the pyramid can stand for the death, but it also contains rebirth. For example, isangoma (the diviner) uses a circular dance when performing acts of divination. I like your comments. Thank you so much Christine. However, there comes a time when man realises that he is not the body and intellect. If you already have a small pyramid, try placing it on your head for your next meditation and see for yourself! The Sri Yantra has been referred to as “tuning fork” that can help connect you to the universe. Moses was adopted by Pharaoh and initiated as an adept… According to historic records, he was raised as an administrator because of his superior moral values, intelligence and abilities. ( Log Out /  Pls throw some light. Often are reflected in her also actual travel recollections. Improve Your Intuition with Oracle Cards // Plus your free deck! If you’re interested in this topic I encourage you to do more research of your own! It is the primal source of energy and wisdom. But in fact, no inscriptions of any kind to that effect appear in the corridors of the Great Pyramid.

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