Defeat the Shadows and you'll get a Security Keycard that can be used to unlock doors like the one from before. Persona 5 is full of polish, allure, charm — and more than 100 hours of gameplay. If it Concentrates, equip a Persona with an Electric resistance (or better) as it's about to use Ziodyne, a heavy Electric skill. ├ Cendrillon ├ Vanadis Head up and around to the door you were told about to check out the path beyond. Just head back to where the Safe Room was and look for an area you can climb over. Continue to the west and climb over the generators when the path goes south. ├ Fortune Arcana ■ Mini-Game Guides ├ Confidant Meetup Locations ├ Shadow IT President ├ August For reference, the terminals are near the entrance (Red): And back in the staff passageway (Green): This is opposite the path to the 2nd Will Seed if you can't find it. Thankfully, Baal is weak to Nuclear (for this fight), which allows you to exploit that weakness for an All-Out Attack. ├ Crafting Infiltration Tools As you follow it along, you'll soon come to a barred door that requires a keycard to open. ├ Infiltration Tools There is also a safe room in this area, so be sure to get it after speaking to the first Shadow. You're going to lose. In Hindu mythology, there are many recorded kings of nagas and many stories involving them, they are known as Raja Naga (or Naga kings). ├ Loki She will tell you about what you need to know, including how to get a higher level card. However, since you have 10,000 chips left to spend, it's best not to let them go to waste. ├ July ├ Specialty Shops ├ May To prevent that, inspect the terminal in the back. Be careful of bringing in Yusuke or Ryuji, as it can use Mazionga and Agidyne. A picaresque coming-of-age story, Persona 5 will bring a thrilling, new twist to the RPG genre! That means you will have to leave the Palace to have the real Sae recognize you in court. ├ New Features in Mementos ├ Anat ├ Star Arcana ├ Biyarky Akechi will help in this fight. ├ May Neutral Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: if... Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. ├ Goro Akeichi – Justice Confidant ├ Jose’s Shop and Services ├ English/Chinese Version Release Date Inadvertently Revealed After a few games, head out of the area back to the lobby and let Skull and Crow handle the rest. ├ Yusuke Kitagawa The path near the Safe Room gets you around it. Triple evasion chance against Wind attacks. ├ Shiki-Ouji ├ June Included are Raja Naga's stats, skills, and more. Otherwise you are getting lucky or you have the Tower Confidant ability which lets you knock down enemies with a few bullets. ├ Kamoshida’s Palace Once again, do not attack her when the table is spinning unless you are willing to lose all but one of your health. ├ Sun Arcana ├ Old Temple ├ Death Arcana ├ Penguin Sniper You will have to climb up a shelf to reach it. ├ Jazz Jin ├ August This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. is a Shadow in the Persona series. You will assume the role of a second-year high school student who becomes a Persona-user through an unexpected incident. The path straight/to the left will lead you to the exit while the path to the right will lead you to treasure. Since it's no longer there, you'll need to go up the stairs in the treasure room and up the lift to face off against Shadow Sae. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. ├ Acquiring Will Seeds The prices of this cognition most likely represent the massive costs of the legal system and how those without money cannot afford to defend themselves. If you have Lucky/Miracle Punch, that's going to be your best chance of knocking Norn down. Head through the door at the end of the hall and you'll see a safe room and the Shadow. ├ Shadow Kaneshiro (Bael) This the room used for cheating. However, there's a duct to the left of it that you can crawl through. You will find a door at the end, but it is locked. Alternatively, they are weak to Psy. ├ Mishaguji There is a Safe Room (High Limit Floor) at the top of the room. The Will Seed can be found by going left and climbing over the box. Leave Ryuji and Morgana out, or have them Guard while fighting. The three together have an enemy combo attack, Conviction, which will instantly kill any muted party member when used. When the fight is over, you claim the final Will Seed! Once beaten, you will get the Security Keycard. ├ Satanael Once you're through, you are in the backroom where you can "cheat" the games to give you an advantage. └ Kasumi Yoshizawa – Faith Confidant You'll be facing two Shadows rather than just one. ■ Additional Confidant Guides Recruits neutral demon. It's guarded of course. Bring that to Jose to get the Ring of Envy. The second fight is with three Rangdas. ├ Battle Strategies As you head for the elevator, it would seem that Sae doesn't want you to continue. ├ Incense ├ Fast Money Earning Guide There are many different ways to get to the right backroom, but here's one of them. ├ Seiten Taisei ├ Goemon ├ Al Azif She has no weaknesses so you have to unload your strongest attacks against her. After she sees you all, you'll head straight back into the Palace. It costs 1,000 coins to enter. Climb onto the ramp and go through the duct at the top of it. The good news is, they only use Physical attacks unlike their regular counterparts. It sounds intimidating and it can be if you are unprepared. ├ Orpheus Telos Chance of inflicting Shock. └ Foggy Day (Yu) ■ Persona 5 Royal Palace Guides The last fight is with one Thor. Medium chance of inflicting Confuse to all foes. Even when guarding, it's a powerful enough attack to take all the health of weaker teammates. Otherwise, hit him with ailments and exploit the Technical damage. There's no other way... Just like the beginning of the game, you need to race through the casino to make your escape, but you already know the outcome of your attempts. ├ Gorokichi Follow the path and you will reach an area where you are able to grapple your way to another ledge. ├ List of Disaster Shadows ├ Izanagi no Okami Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB, Blood, Drug Reference, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence, The Most Messed Up Moments in the Comic Book Version of ‘The Boys’, The Best Anime Fanfiction Where the Hero Is a Villain, Daily Deals: Preorder Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or PC and Save 17% Off, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. The roulette is random this time. ├ Atavaka It has no weaknesses, so throw your best attacks at it. Head to the counter to get a map and an objective. Even still, they are very weak and enraging members of their team can very easily be their downfall. ├ Fusion Alarm ナーガラジャ ├ Healing Skills It will try to brainwash your team, so be careful. Raja Naga Buff party agility for a certain period of time. March 27, 2020 ├ Orpheus Telos Picaro ■ Additional Palace and Mementos Guides ├ Athena Picaro ├ Hereward ├ Hereward Overrides resistance and weakness. ├ Madarame’s Palace Raja Naga is one of the ingredients needed to summon Vasuki using advanced fusion. When you're ready, head through the south-west door in the lobby to go to the slot machine area. Other than that, focus on Psy to knock it down ASAP and if someone isn't going to be productive, Guard. ├ Depths of Mementos Be careful after the fight, as enemies exist in the Slot floor, while they didn't in the Dice Room. Go through the grate and you can either head back or explore the area a bit more. The following is IGN's walkthrough and general overview for the month of November in Persona 5. └ Game Controls, ■ Tips and Strategies At the top of the ledge is the Will Seed Door. ├ December Hop down into the next room and you'll now have to decide between a path to the south right near where you land and a path to the south-east. The path closest to where you land will simply lead to a treasure chest. At the end of the path you will reach a room back to the Dice Game Area. Leave Morgana at home. How fun. They can only use physical moves and will kill themselves off of your Rangda's reflect. ├ Kamu Susano-o You'll quickly see that the bridge is a scale and that it costs a great deal to move it. That means you're going in on November 18th. Looking backwards can help. It is not weak either, so on harder difficulties it can be an instant kill if you're under-prepared. (Straight line). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Stemming from Hindu mythology, the name Raja Naga translates as ‘Naga King,’ with Naga referring to the Cobra. 1 Prologue 2 Palaces 2.1 Kamoshida's Palace 2.1.1 Normal Enemies 2.1.2 ├ Shadow Cleaner Heavy Electric damage to all foes. ├ Shadow Okumura (Mammon) ├ Lovers Arcana There will be a grate nearby, though it can be hard to see at first. The Shadow itself isn't very difficult, though. ├ New Costumes and Outfits ├ Takuto (Consultant) ├ Futaba’s Palace ├ Sae Niijima – Judgment Confidant ├ Caroline and Justine – Strength Confidant ├ Hangedman Arcana └ Leveling Guide, ■ Palace Boss Guides Don't use Electric as it nullifies it. └ Ella Climb up the stairs, and you will see an enemy. Follow the path until you have the option to go up a staircase or down a hall to the west. ├ Tycoon You can start freely infiltrating this Palace starting 10/30. For this first bet, it does not matter as the game is rigged in Sae's favour. It is the longer of the two games. The first is a dark maze called The House of Darkness and the second is a battle arena. ├ Sadayo Kawakami └ March Did you catch that? Heavy Electric damage to all foes. The 2nd Will Seed can be found while you are making your way through the back area of the Slot Room. └ Importing P5 Saved Data You'll have to obtain the Keycard and open the locked door. ├ Astarte Additionally, if you take on the Shadow by going through the doors behind it, you can ambush it! You can use the rest of the day to train and earn money if you need it. The fight is split into waves, with three Naga making up the first and Raja Naga following second along with two Naga. Once you're in the new area, head down the hall and follow the turns it takes towards a set of stairs.

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