Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. They're also born in litters, and they were known for their tempers and passion, as well as their high moral values and loyalty. Distinctions The native language of the Cathar was Catharese, which included the emphasis of some words spoken with a growl. Over 90 percent of the species was killed by the Mandalorians in the battle. [5] Die Gesellschaft der Cathar ist in verschiedene Stämme gegliedert, die eigene Wäldchen oder Haine bewohnen und von den Ältesten geleitet werden. Der Rest des Körpers weist ebenso Fell auf, das in verschiedensten Färbungen von Sandfarben[3] bis hin zu Grautönen[4] variieren und außerdem mit einer andersfarbigen Maserung versetzt sein kann. [2], Obwohl Cathar auch für ihren Stolz bekannt sind, nehmen insbesondere Werte wie Ehre und Loyalität einen hohen Stellenwert in ihrer Gesellschaft ein. Crado,[5] Aric Jorgan,[4] Juhani,[6] Micah,[7] Sylvar[5]. Their names can sound both melodic and fairly guttural, but they almost always sound strong and fierce. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Planted so far: 60180 [5], 3.973 VSY wurde Cathar zum Ziel der Mandalorianer,[8] die unter Cassus Fetts Führung Rache an den Cathar nehmen wollten, da diese sich im Sith-Krieg gegen sie gestellt und damit, seiner Meinung nach, die mandalorianische Ehre beleidigt hatten. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article needs appropriate citations. Als jedoch der Jedi Revan mit anderen Ordensbrüdern den Planeten aufsuchte und sie alle eine Vision der vergangenen Schlacht durchlebten, rückte der Genozid in den Fokus des Senats. These traits made them the perfect hand-to-hand specialists. Males: 1.8 meters[1]Females: 1.6 meters[1] They are available to both factions once unlocked. Cathar are a species of bipedal feline humanoids native to a planet bearing the same name, located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. ^.^ Cathar was the homeworld of Scape Loewig, a Force-sensitive child whose name was included in a memory crystal recovered by Jedi Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu following Order 66.1 Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 10 (First mentioned) (In Aurebesh text) Shadow Fall (Mentioned only) The name Cathar is widely claimed to derive from the Greek word Katharoi meaning "the pure". [13], Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Planet Hoppers: Cathar – Casualty of the Mandalorian Wars, https://www.jedipedia.net/w/index.php?title=Cathar&oldid=1110159, Dieser Artikel behandelt die Spezies; für deren Heimatwelt siehe. Cathar[1] JaadelCradoHandaJuhaniKharrMicahNodonNonakMyhr RhoSylvarRasi TuumRyenAric JorganUrbax[3]Dam-PowlTem MadogThe Wolf 10 new random names. They had prominent, retractable claws that could deliver powerful killing attacks on foes and prey. This name generator will generate 10 names fit for the Cathar race of the Star Wars universe. [9] Wenige Überlebende konnten in einigen Schiffen fliehen und sich auf anderen Planeten niederlassen. Quick and powerful, they were considered great warriors and dedicated, efficient predators. [10] Der Angriff der Mandalorianer kam überraschend und ihre Schiffe bombardierten die Oberfläche des Planeten, um zunächst die Raumwerften sowie die Kommunikationsrelais zu zerstören. Ähnlich wie Ewoks oder Wookiees leben sie auf Baumhäusern und in Baumdörfern. Ähnlich wie Ewoks oder Wookiees leben sie auf Baumhäusern und in Baumdörfern. On average, Cathar were 1.5 to 1.9 meters tall. Lebensjahr, mit 18 gelten sie nicht mehr als Jugendliche. The Cathar mated for life, to the extent that when one mate died, the survivor never had a relationship with another. (Join me?). Cathar Remove this notice when finished. [2] Ihre Geschichte wird in kunstvollen Reliefs in die Stämme ihrer Baumhäuser geschnitzt, in denen sie wohnen. [7] Famous Cathar Jedi during the Second Imperial Civil War were brothers Rasi, Ahn and Zho Tuum. In Knights of the Old Republic, the Cathar Jedi Juhani speaks Basic, albeit with a heavy Slavic-like accent, with rolled "r"s and "w"s that sound like "v"s.[7] Murghir, a bounty hunter and foe in the Great Hunt encountered by the Bounty Hunter class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, also speaks with the same accent; however, a Cathar companion of the Trooper class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, Aric Jorgan, and a Cathar Jedi Master, Ryen, do not.[3]. Cathar haben raubkatzenähnliche Gesichtszüge, insbesondere männliche Vertreter der Spezies verfügen von Natur aus über lange Mähnen und kurze Bärte, die individuell ausfallen. [3] Die Mandalorianer löschten jedoch 90 Prozent[8] der Cathar aus und ließ sie damit beinahe aussterben. Das Durchs… Cathar sind eine felinoide Spezies von dem gleichnamigen Planeten Cathar. On the newer, second site (RollForFantasy.com), Wait, there's even more! These traits made them the perfect hand-to-hand specialists.The Cathar species also had two additional subspecies, known as the Juhani and the Myr Rho. Both of these were no… This article needs appropriate citations. Subspecies It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Cathar Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. Bei dem Ritual begibt sich der Cathar in das von Kiltik verwüstete Steppenland und sucht sich ein Nest der Kreaturen, um gegen diese zu kämpfen. Cathar were born into a litter. Cathar haben raubkatzenähnliche Gesichtszüge, insbesondere männliche Vertreter der Spezies verfügen von Natur aus über lange Mähnen und kurze Bärte,[1] die individuell ausfallen. They had prominent, retractable claws that could deliver powerful killing attacks on foes and prey. [2] In der Gesellschaft der Felinoiden gibt es das Ritual der Blutjagd, das dem Individuum einerseits Ehre verschafft und andererseits die innere Dunkelheit reinigen soll. [5] The Cathar species was biologically similar to the Bothan species. This name generator will generate 10 names fit for the Cathar race of the Star Wars universe. Catharese[1] Skin color Others attempted to settle on Taris to aid in its rebuilding, but were attacked by the Sith Empire just prior to the outbreak of hostilities. For generating Cathar Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Male Names, Get Female Names Button to randomly generate 10 Cathar Names. This incident was leaked by Imperial Non-human Relations, which damaged the public trust between the Republic and their alien citizens. Their last names are either 1 or 2 syllables long and have the same sound and feel as their first names. Sentient[1] [2] Da Cathar kein Mitglied der Galaktischen Republik war,[11] erfuhr zunächst kaum jemand von dem Ausmaß des mandalorianischen Angriffs. [3], Während des Kalten Krieges mit dem Sith-Imperium bemühte sich die Galaktische Republik um eine erneute Besiedlung von Taris, dem Planeten, der im Jedi-Bürgerkrieg durch ein orbitales Bombardement verwüstet worden war. The planet of Cathar was devastated by the Mandalorians during the Battle of Cathar, leading to the enslavement and near-extinction of the Cathar species. Cathar clan society included great pageants and celebrations, especially for their heroes. The Cathar were a species of feline, bipedal humanoids native to Cathar, a planet of savannas and rough uplands. Juhani besitzen ausgeprägtere Merkmale an scharfen Krallen und ihrer Mähne, während Myr Rho keinerlei Mähne, weniger starke Krallen und kürzeres Fell haben. The background image above is part of the SWTOR copyright and belongs to its rightful owners. They're also born in litters, and they were known for their tempers and passion, as well as their high moral values and loyalty. [6] The few survivors were forced to flee off-world to survive. Various other names were used for Gnostic Dualist sects that we would today call Cathars. Lion-like aliens After Malgus' betrayal, the Sith Empire began an alien initiative which saw multiple Cathar clans being freely inducted into the ranks.[3]. The story of Crado's fall to the dark side of the Force under the influence of Exar Kun was well-known to all Cathar, as was the story of Sylvar, who was able to turn away from the dark path and regain the Jedi way. As conflict was renewed with the Galactic War, Cathar support for the Republic began to mildly diminish due to galactic events. Cathar sind für ihre Wildheit und Fähigkeiten im Kampf bekannt, allerdings handeln sie nicht unüberlegt.

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