So yes, the Empire has its flaws, but if your goal is to stop the Thalmor, then you’d be shooting yourself in the foot by allying with the Stormcloaks. Solitude - Elisif is a puppet either way. Their racial intolerance and blatant prejudice is obvious to even the most casual of observers, not least because of the “Skyrim is for the Nords” slogan. According to The Imperial Library. There are but few issues that raise such emotions to shouts and blows as that of the Skyrim Civil War and the rebellion of the Stormcloaks. This speculative talk of “...possibility...” And passive aggressive terms such as, “...generally uncooperative...” read more like a covering of tracks to avoid persecution by superior's of the author of the document[3]. The Empire was forced to ban Talos worship because they suffered heavy losses during the Great War and it was one of the conditions outlined in the White-Gold Concordat. After the bloodied Stormcrown Interrengum that followed Ocato's death and the rise of the Mede Dynasty in the Empire, Lethenil again petitioned the Empire to treat the Thalmor threat with severity. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This was an exception and if the high command of the empire had its way the Stormcloaks would be brought to Cyrodill to be executed while you would just pay a fine or go to jail for trying to cross the border. I would argue from a political and diplomatic standpoint however that an Imperial victory would be the most beneficial in the long run as presents a united front against future Dominion aggression. The Empire, however, was having enough troubles dealing with the aftermath of the Oblivion crisis within its own borders without seeking trouble in far away Summerset.”[2]. cough Hoonding cough. Ulfric trying to usurp the kingship of Skyrim isn't going to help mankind in the long run. The Empire is still worshipping Talos, some of them more open than others, and a lot of the Stormcloak leaders are themselves previous Empire supporters. The so-called Markarth Incident was particularly valuable from the point of view of our strategic goals in Skyrim, although it resulted in Ulfric becoming generally uncooperative to direct contact. In this, the Thalmor certainly achieved one of their long-term goals by sowing lasting bitterness between Hammerfell and the Empire. On top of that, the Stormcloak rebellion has also been orchestrated by the Thalmor's actions, as it was them who forbade the restoration of Talos worship and laid the grounds for it to begin with. The Emperor's decision to withdraw from the Imperial City in 4E 174 was bloodily vindicated. You were put in a cart with them and if you remember correctly the person who decided that you should be beheaded was the unnamed Imperial Captain which stands next to Hadvar while they acquire the names of the Stormcloak prisoners. I don’t even think Imperials would agree with this. That being said, there is no reason to side with Imperials. © The Imperial Library. It is also without a doubt certain that many other Nord soldiers would have been taken captive alongside him and we cannot be sure of just what horrors Ulfric Stormcloak witnessed and was subjected to, but we can assume the worst given the Thalmor's own propaganda. Despite breaking the Dominion presence in Cyrodiil, the Empire was content to ignore the remaining Dominion forces in Hammerfell. It is not recorded where his body was buried if it was buried at all. Go to any big TES facebook group and the majority will always side with the Empire. The Thalmor only have free reign to capture Nords because the Stormcloaks gave them a reason to believe the Empire was not enforcing their ban on Talos. You can, in fact, get your revenge on the Imperial Captain who ordered your execution by following Ralof into the keep where you will fight two imperials upon arrival, one of them being that captain and your revenge has been cleared.

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