[138][12], Apollo 11 used slow-scan television (TV) incompatible with broadcast TV, so it was displayed on a special monitor, and a conventional TV camera viewed this monitor, significantly reducing the quality of the picture. On September 12, 1962, Kennedy delivered another speech before a crowd of about 40,000 people in the Rice University football stadium in Houston, Texas. Vice President Spiro Agnew viewed the launch with former president Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife Lady Bird Johnson. Most of the rocks are stored in nitrogen to keep them free of moisture. The only change in the configuration of the command module was the removal of some insulation from the forward hatch. [148] Twelve minutes after the sample was collected,[143] he removed the TV camera from the MESA and made a panoramic sweep, then mounted it on a tripod. [201][202] On the same evening in Los Angeles there was an official state dinner to celebrate the flight, attended by members of Congress, 44 governors, the Chief Justice of the United States, and ambassadors from 83 nations at the Century Plaza Hotel. [3] At 13.2 seconds into the flight, the launch vehicle began to roll into its flight azimuth of 72.058°. Aldrin continued: "Mode control—both auto. True or false: Then-president Richard Nixon attended the Apollo 11 launch. Just seven years before, a young president had challenged the nation to land a man on the moon—not because it was “easy,” as John F. Kennedy said in 1962, but because it was “hard.” By July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong backed down a ladder and onto the ...read more, On July 20, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped off the lunar landing module Eagle, and became the first human to walk on the surface of the moon. It's an honor for us to be able to participate here today. For one priceless moment in the whole history of man, all the people on this Earth are truly one: one in their pride in what you have done, and one in our prayers that you will return safely to Earth. Later, Lovell's crew was forced to switch places with Alan Shepard's tentative Apollo 13 crew to give Shepard more training time. [205], This celebration began a 38-day world tour that brought the astronauts to 22 foreign countries and included visits with the leaders of many countries. Many of the surface activities took longer than expected, so they had to stop documenting sample collection halfway through the allotted 34 minutes. Two of the E-1s were designated as "air boss" while the third acted as a communications relay aircraft. At Lovell's suggestion, he chose the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, as the symbol. After being recovered from the Atlantic Ocean, he received a congratulatory telephone call from Eisenhower's successor, John F. Armstrong acknowledged: "Out of detent. [269][270], In some of the following sources, times are shown in the format hours:minutes:seconds (e.g. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.". A poem by Gil Scott-Heron called "Whitey on the Moon" illustrated the racial inequality in the United States that was highlighted by the Space Race. The countdown became automated at three minutes and twenty seconds before launch time. Still photography was accomplished with a Hasselblad camera which could be operated hand held or mounted on Armstrong's Apollo space suit. They made the decision to change the flight plan so the commander was the first to egress from the spacecraft. [181] Brandli alerted Navy Captain Willard S. Houston Jr., the commander of the Fleet Weather Center at Pearl Harbor, who had the required security clearance. For all of us must work to put him there. Aldrin was an elder at the Webster Presbyterian Church, and his communion kit was prepared by the pastor of the church, Dean Woodruff. [53], The Apollo 11 prime crew had none of the close cheerful camaraderie characterized by that of Apollo 12. While most people celebrated the accomplishment, disenfranchised Americans saw it as a symbol of the divide in America, evidenced by protesters outside of Kennedy Space Center the day before Apollo 11 launched. [137] At 02:51 Armstrong began his descent to the lunar surface. [104] Racial and financial inequalities frustrated citizens who wondered why money spent on the Apollo program was not spent taking care of humans on Earth. They jettisoned Eagle before they performed the maneuvers that propelled Columbia out of the last of its 30 lunar orbits onto a trajectory back to Earth. The sunlight in the image was coming from the wrong direction; the shadow should have been in the lower part of the Earth instead of the left. It was revealed in 1989 that the Soviets had tried to send people to the Moon, but were unable due to technological difficulties. On their recommendation, Rear Admiral Donald C. Davis, commander of Manned Spaceflight Recovery Forces, Pacific, advised NASA to change the recovery area, each man risking their careers. The bill was sponsored by Florida Senator Bill Nelson and Florida Representative Alan Grayson.[258][259]. JFK's Pledge Leads to Start of Apollo Program. [85][86], During the first press conference after the Apollo 11 crew was announced, the first question was, "Which one of you gentlemen will be the first man to step onto the lunar surface? [83] Five sites were considered: Sites 1 and 2 were in the Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquillitatis); Site 3 was in the Central Bay (Sinus Medii); and Sites 4 and 5 were in the Ocean of Storms (Oceanus Procellarum). [10] These took longer than expected; three and a half hours instead of two. Two of the Sea Kings carried divers and recovery equipment. He used the geologist's hammer to pound in the tubes—the only time the hammer was used on Apollo 11—but was unable to penetrate more than 6 inches (15 cm) deep. [134] During training on Earth, everything required had been neatly laid out in advance, but on the Moon the cabin contained a large number of other items as well, such as checklists, food packets, and tools. [18] But on April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space, and the first to orbit the Earth. After traveling 240,000 miles in 76 hours, Apollo 11 entered into a lunar orbit on July 19. NASA spent three weeks monitoring their astronauts for potential contagions before allowing the men to reintegrate with society. [70] The design was also used for the smaller Susan B. Anthony dollar unveiled in 1979. "[13], In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the United States was engaged in the Cold War, a geopolitical rivalry with the Soviet Union. On subsequent missions, extra anti-slosh baffles were added to the tanks to prevent this. Nixon and Agnew honored each astronaut with a presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. As they worked, the moonwalkers kicked up gray dust which soiled the outer part of their suits. NASA.gov brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. Why choose this as our goal? [16] President Dwight D. Eisenhower responded to the Sputnik challenge by creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and initiating Project Mercury,[17] which aimed to launch a man into Earth orbit. Perfect for whole-class teaching, this Apollo 11 Facts PowerPoint features some information to help support your teaching on the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. A special display of Armstrong's suit was unveiled for the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 in July 2019. We propose additional funds for other engine development and for unmanned explorations—explorations which are particularly important for one purpose which this nation will never overlook: the survival of the man who first makes this daring flight. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. The third carried photographic equipment, and the fourth carried the decontamination swimmer and the flight surgeon. The Apollo 11 mission occurred eight years after President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) announced a national goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. [206] The crew toured from September 29 to November 5. After they returned to Earth, how much time did the crew spend in quarantine? Aldrin remarked that moving from sunlight into Eagle's shadow produced no temperature change inside the suit, but the helmet was warmer in sunlight, so he felt cooler in shadow. [198] On August 10, 1969, the Interagency Committee on Back Contamination met in Atlanta and lifted the quarantine on the astronauts, on those who had joined them in quarantine (NASA physician William Carpentier and MQF project engineer John Hirasaki),[199] and on Columbia itself. The Apollo 11 lunar sample displays were given out as goodwill gifts by Nixon in 1970.

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