Federalist papers authors. Washington is agreeing with Jay's criticism of the Articles of Confederation. Americans had long believed that virtue was necessary in a nation where people governed themselves (i.e., the ability to put self-interest and petty concerns aside for the good of the larger community). Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. They tended to be among the elite members of society—wealthy and well-educated landowners, businessmen, and former military commanders who believed a strong government would be better for both national defense and economic growth. The approval of ___ of the states was needed to ratify the Constitution. Larger states, however, had significant power to lose. Despite the fact that he did not believe that a Bill of Rights was necessary, he wrote one in order to allay the fears of those who believed the federal government was too powerful. "The Great National Discussion: The Discourse of Politics in 1787." . For those who worried that the president might indeed grow too ambitious or king-like, Hamilton, in Federalist No. Related to these concerns were fears that the strong central government Federalists advocated for would levy taxes on farmers and planters, who lacked the hard currency needed to pay them. An aristocracy would not arise, and if it did, its members would have been chosen by lesser men. In, Evelyn C. Fink and William H. Riker. Anti-Federalists those who did not support ratification of the Constitution, Federalists those who supported ratification of the Constitution, The Federalist Papers a collection of eighty-five essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the Constitution, https://www.gwu.edu/~ffcp/exhibit/p7/p7_1text.html, https://cnx.org/contents/W8wOWXNF@12.1:Y1CfqFju@5/Preface, https://thenounproject.com/term/share/7671/, Identify the steps required to ratify the Constitution, Describe arguments the framers raised in support of a strong national government and counterpoints raised by the Anti-Federalists. The Federalist papers. . A person who is not an active member of the military, the police, or a belligerent group in a conflict. It originally appeared as a newspaper article in the spring of 1788. The greatest sticking point when it came to ratification, as it had been at the Constitutional Convention itself, was the relative power of the state and federal governments. . �!�}� [Content_Types].xml �(� ��MO�@��&��f��]�`��pP��v It originally appeared as a newspaper article in the spring of 1788. This Massachusetts Sentinel cartoon (a) encourages the state’s voters to join Georgia and neighboring Connecticut in ratifying the Constitution. Alone and realizing it could not hope to survive on its own, Rhode Island became the last state to ratify, nearly two years after New York had done so. Indeed, Hamilton asked rhetorically, would American citizens best be served by a representative “whose observation does not travel beyond the circle of his neighbors and his acquaintances” or by someone with more extensive knowledge of the world? . . By the end of this section, you will be able to: On September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia voted to approve the document they had drafted over the course of many months.

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