Maybe your body is still walking around, but the you; you came to be, the unique expression of your spirit, becomes smothered under cynicism, indifference or resignation. You cannot download interactives. And if, in the face of disappointment, loss and devastation, you or I or we decide that "life sucks, who cares, why bother, I give up, my vote and voice don't matter", then the spark of life that is your spirit, your authentic self, the part of you that came here to wake and show up, the light in you that came to shine, grows dim and eventually, that light goes out. First, an eligible citizen registers to vote, studies the candidates and issues, looks up their polling location, then casts their ballot during the election. On Nov. 4th, we all have the opportunity to exercise our rights as citizens and cast our ballots for the person we think will best guide us through the next four years and perhaps beyond. Whatever your choice, either way, it matters. A why my vote matters essay is one of the most common types of essays that your school may ask you to handle. Citizens need to be educated on their right to voting, especially for the young generation.2. And if, after careful consideration, you still choose to "sit this one out", check out that bench you're keeping warm. Download Why Every Vote Counts. An electronic system should be used to allow postal voting.5. In Cast Your Vote, students choose the questions in a debate, rate candidates' responses, and vote for the candidate of their choice. Teach your students about the importance of voting with these resources. electors representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia, responsible for officially electing the President and Vice-President of the United States. More than anything else, you want the reader to know that you are aware that you know your vote matters. It is therefore essential to decide on a particular time during the day when you will write your essay. In the United States, the voting process is fairly straightforward. The voting process in the country is one that affects everyone, whether you participate or not. Partnering with your local librarian is one of the best ways to make this possible. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. ESSAY: I'm voting, and it DOES matter ... I’m voting this year and it matters. What relationships have stopped working due, in part, to your decision not to fully participate? Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society, Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society For such an essay, the focus is on how best you can illustrate the power of people’s free will to elect the leaders of their choice. reducing polling locations in predominantly African American or Lantinx neighborhoods, or only having polling stations open during business hours, when many disenfranchised populations are working and unable to take time off. Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections. And so we must vote—not because it will make a great statistical difference, but because in the act of voting itself, we are establishing our place as a citizen of this country and doing our part to uphold the values and democracy that our ancestors fought and died for. But even so, many would-be voters faced artificial hurdles like poll taxes, literacy tests, and other measures meant to discourage them from exercising their voting right. All rights reserved. As you consider your vote in this election, ask yourself if you matter, if your one vote; your one life matters. Once you have attained the age of 18, you are automatically registered.3. Additionally, the examiner wants to know if you understand your role as a voter in the current set up of the government. In the end, Bush won Florida by 0.009 percent of the votes cast in the state, or 537 votes. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. While no longer explicitly excluded, voter suppression is a problem in many parts of the country. But I want to point to something larger and perhaps less obvious than whether or not you vote in the presidential election on Nov. 4th. Nevertheless, by not participating the process, you give up your right to have a say in the matter. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. There might be a thousand reasons why you're convinced your vote doesn't matter. This indirect election method was seen as a balance between the popular vote and using a state’s representatives in Congress to elect a president.Because the Constitution did not specifically say who could vote, this question was largely left to the states into the 1800s. To get all these points, you will need to spend an enormous time researching data that will offer evidential support to the claims you make. As you've read here many times: It's not what happens to us that matters, it's what we do with what happens to us that really counts". Privacy Notice |  The essential guide to taking care of your mind and body. Voting should be made compulsory. But what does it really mean? This type of essay tries to explain the reason as to why your voice matters when it comes to democracy in the country. "I'm sitting this one out", they say. Once you research your essay, it is important to go the extra mile and ensure that you organize your research well. National Geographic Headquarters I would not argue that the process is without serious problems. This might sound like strong medicine to be doling out here and if you're still with me, I commend you for hanging in. © 1996 - 2020 National Geographic Society. vote totals for a candidate or issue, made by all qualified voters. All rights reserved. Then there are the ones whose names most of us don't know: the man who stood in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square or the first person who actually picked up a hammer and began to tear down the Berlin Wall.

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