Press J to jump to the feed. Levels 1-3 you can win this matchup really hard because his cooldowns are high and his passive doesn't do much damage yet, after that levels 4-9 are pretty challenging unless you got a lead early, I usually start Doran's Blade in this matchup for the early game power and sustain, and if they have atleast one other AP on the team I will rush a maw or hexdrinker into death's dance, if they're heavy AP just rush maw first item and you will win the matchup once you have it, also executioners calling can be a great buy in this lane because he heals with his W but also a bunch from his conqureor and domination synergy with his passive. You want to hit one of your other abilities to mark them so that your W-, This is Urgot's main setup/engage/punish tool. One of my absolute favorite supports to have with Urgot, insanely good engage, and lockdown so to help you land ultimates. #5 Try to force her into teamfights, Illaoi thrives at splitpushing but urgot thrives at teamfighting. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Should we be more aggressive? It is, Basically Urgot will lock onto the nearest thing and start Gatling gunning them. because he gonna scale much faster than i do. If you get into melee he can always flip you over and get tons of passive shots off with his W while shielding your damage. My best tip is to try to turn away when you think she is going to ultimate you to avoid the stun, you'll also have to have your W off when you do this, if you avoid her stun from ultimate you should be able to get an E on her if you land Q and pickup a kill. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) if you see him charge Q simply run away until it runs out or E away, garen is very easy to kite so he shouldn't be a problem for you. Since this ability always flings them behind you and they get stunned it’s a guaranteed way to hit your ultimate as well as your Q-, This is one of my favorite abilities in the game and one of the most satisfying ultimates in my opinion. I let myself get shoved in. You can build whatever you want as long as it's halfway tanky. basically if you hit an E on her she is pretty much dead or loses the trade hard, E flash can also secure kills in this matchup pretty easily, very early lane can be kind of hard but once you get some levels and items this matchup seems to just be easy and you outscale her extremely hard in teamfights. Urgot is very unique because he is a ranged juggernaut, if you like beefy champions that scale well and can have a lot of impact in the mid and late game then you should consider trying out the dreadnought! Press J to jump to the feed. and try your best to dodge his Q's as well. Kennen is just annoying in lane and hard to kill but he shouldn't really kill you either, early merc treads can be good since he has a lot of CC, flash E can also secure you kills in this lane, but you probably won't be going for many normal E's unless he gets out of position or you bait him in well. Not a fan of grasp against him because I don't feel like I personally trade well enough against him early or get enough "free" hp stacks against him to be worthwhile. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The lane ought to be fine. I feel like Urgot scales well, and his kit is pretty busted. If you dont manage to get an advantage, try get your jungle to come top (urgot is terrible at 1v2ing, since he relies on his R to win fights). The strongest counter would be Tryndamere, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 48.07% (Bad) and Play Rate of 2.04% (High). I have posted the same question because I was crushed by an Urgot : Lot of good tips in it ! Dshield and Second wind. It's pretty funny. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I use Fleet Footwork for Garen so my sustain/engage/desengage is above average.Using my silence and W I can make the strategy above work and win lane in low diamond/high plat. Stastically urgot is not a scaling champion he spikes at 30-35 minutes but his late game is worse than his early/mid. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc. is it only possible if i can create an hp lead at earliest level? 3/ Do no fight him with his cd up. Overall singed doesn't have the damage to kill Urgot and once you get lifesteal there's nothing he can do so be agressive in this lane, especially once you get your W toggle, and don't let him push waves for free. You should also outscale her pretty hard in teamfights unless she is very fed. Keep in mind sions like to start in the lane bushes and try to get an early cheesey Q off so don't go near them. But that's about the time teamfights start happening, and usually before you hit your critical durability threshold. Punish kayle very hard pre 6 because she is meele until then, seriously do not let her walk up to farm in this lane when she is meele because she basically isn't even a champion, once she gets 6 this matchup gets a lot harder because it gets extremely hard to get E's on her, but you can sometimes still bait her in to fight and get the surprise E if you make it look like you're running away and then turn on her really quickly, her ultimate also denies your ultimate but you should try to time the pull to avoid that because she can't R while she is being pulled, so if she R's early just wait a little bit before you press R again to pull her, also sometimes you can just pull her anyway and then finish her off normally if your ultimate doesn't kill her. I rush ninja tabi in this matchup, also starting doran's shield or corruption pot is good here. Similar to most tanks for Urgot, scaling matchup where you can't do too much to punish him early, I recommend building Cull on first back. Levels 9+ I feel this matchup gets a lot easier as long as you're not behind. #9 This matchup becomes a lot better once you're level 9+ you should also win the splitpush and do more in teamfights if you are even or ahead, so keep this in mind. A subreddit for all Garen mains from League of Legends. But most importantly, those that like it SIMPLE! 2 years ago. Camille isn't much of a problem for me usually, the key things in this matchup are playing around her passive and not trading stupidly into it, dodging her early W's in lane is also important, and don't take hit her empowered Q's on you for true damage, if she ever E's into you then she has no escape tool and you can usually kill her, make sure to either R her right after your E or wait for her to R because a decent camille will easily use her R to dodge your R. You also outscale this matchup really hard. If you watched GOT : consider that you are Oberin and he is The Mountain. Fans of pre-rework Garen who wanted more JUDGEMENT and less Villain, fans of current Garen who miss old Perseverance and more gameplay options. This passive is actually very strong since it’s based off the targets max HP. early ninja tabi is really good in this matchup, once you get ninja tabi + black cleaver you should just win extended trades from there on out. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Here are the tips I learned and applied : 1/ Rush Ninja Tabi, its damage comes from AA or AA related passive / abilities, 2/ For the same reason, Bramble Vest is a decent choice. The strongest counter would be Tryndamere, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 48.07% (Bad) and Play Rate of 2.04% (High). Once you complete sunfire cape, you can push him into tower and repeatedly dive him. Overall annoying lane but you do outscale him hard in teamfights and hopefully you get some jungle help since he will be pushing a lot early. Once Urgot is level 6, his kill pressure and ability to trade increases again. Her W also blocks your E so keep in that in mind, sometimes you can bait it out by getting her to use it for the movement speed then go for the E, another thing to keep in mind is if you use your E right as she knocks you away with her R it will actually buffer it and you won't go flying really far away and can just kill her (I'll show a video example of this down below) Other then that don't play near walls and don't get chunked by her passive and just wait for items to outscale her in the splitpush. i don't know what to do. This matchup is simply annoying, try your best to dodge her E since it's quite a long root and allows her to follow up with the rest of her combo, also remember If Tangle-Barbs (her E) hits at least one enemy, it grows in size and speed, and the root duration is increased. I also usually hard push cho'gath in early game since his sustain is fairly high I don't bother trading very much I just play for a CS lead to get my core items quicker, obviously be careful with this and it is dependent on who the enemy jungler is playing. Your passive is also very strong to wave clear. #6 lots of aatrox players will try to hit you with there first Q, and if they land it they will use their E on their second Q so you can predict this and E into him, especially good if he is playing agressive near your turret because he won't be expecting the agressive E. #7 You can fling aatrox on his 3rd q to make him miss it completely if you predict it. A statistical breakdown of the Riven vs Urgot matchup in the Top Lane. pretty good engage, and great lockdown, your W synergizes with his passive really well so you can stun people super quickly. Before fighting, you have to rush on him, let him activate is shield and shoot some legs gun, retreat, and then attack again when his abilities are on cooldown. Try to win pre 6 in this matchup and be really agressive because tryndamere is not good early, anytime he is low rage you should pretty much trade with him and you want to be auto attacking him a lot early game because if he spins in on you then you just land E and kill him.

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