Logging, Created By: Github Repository, Utility Member Counter.
With Members+ you can get hundreds of members to join your Discord server faster than any other service. MemberCounter is a Discord Bot that shows the current amount of members on a guild as its nickname on this guild. c!stats - Show statistics on the bot and your current shard.

Then set it as hoisted an you see right away how many members your server has. You can place counters in one of the following places: For this example we are gonna use {members}, which counts the total amount of members in your discord server, you will find out more counters below​, Create a new channel, or/and edit it, and write {members} in the name or topic, and click 'save changes'. return member.status != 'offline' && !member.bot had to be changed to return member.status != 'offline' and member.status != member.bot or else I received invalid syntax.

Like {connectedMembers}, but the bot will count only the connected members in the specified channels, write the channel IDs you wanna count after the :, and separate the channel IDs with commas .

I want the number to be the member count of the server. For support email us at [email protected], call at +31857733181 or +1 (831) 709-9211, 3,285 Above the top role of the server on the right side, put the Total Member Count that excludes bots from the count. 3. error2507#

To disable, run command without specifying a role. MemberCounter Commands Prefix: Be sure to visit the site here too!

Login, MemberCounter A counting bot that can manage a counting channel in your guild!

Note though that if your server has more than 250 members, you might need to use guild.fetchMembers() first to make sure all of them are cached. (example: 56 members in the server! Join

The best way to use it is to set MemberCounters role at top of all roles or at least over the Member role or whatever you have. Features. Member Count.

even when using return member.status != 'offline' – Brandon Weeks Aug 6 '19 at 8:01 Then set it as hoisted an you see right away how many members your server has. A small utility that counts users, bots, online users, YouTube subscribers, and much more! Counters are placed by writting them in a channel name or topic, if something is between two curly braces ({}), Member Counter will considere it a counter, and it will update it in the next 10 minutes. Best way to use it.

(, Online players in game servers (CS:GO, Minecraft, ARK, GTA:5 FiveM, GTA:SA MTA/MP, RUST, etc). nevertheless, it returns total user count lol. Add this bot | Website | Translation Project | Documentation, Member Counter is a bot that puts a counter into a channel name or topic, to learn how to use the bot, send mc!help or mc!guide, Join the support server and ask your questions in #support -> https://discord.com/invite/g4MfV6N, Help Member Counter to be mantained by donating and you will get access to Member Counter Premium, https://eduardozgz.gitbook.io/member-counter/guides/how-to-install-and-host-your-own-bot-instance. This counts how much members has a role or roles, write the roles IDs you wanna count after the :, and separate the role IDs with commas , Like {membersWithRole:} but only counts those members online, Like {membersWithRole:} but only counts those members offline, This will display the returned amount given by the response to the specified resource, the bot will perform a GET request and the server must reply with the status code 200 and the content-type: text/plain Example: {http:https://member-counter.eduardozgz.com/api/donation/count}, Like {http} but the bot won't parse anything, useful to display names instead of numbers, Displays a youtube channel subscriber count, replace channelUrl with the desired channel url, Displays a twitch channel follower count, replace channelName with the desired channel name, Displays the amount of followers in an account, replace username with the actual Twitter username, Displays a Memerator user's meme count, replace username with the desired profile name, Displays a Memerator user's follower count, replace username with the desired profile name, Displays the amount of followers in an account, replace username with the actual Instagram username, Player count for game servers (Minecraft, Counter Strike, Rust, Ark, Team Fortress 2, GMOD, etc), replace gameId by one of the listed here and address by the actual one and port by the query port, minecraft-altMinecraft (https://mcsrvstat.us), Shows a countdown that will decrease to the specified target date, you can easily generate this counter here or manually creating it by replacing targetDate with the target date in a UNIX timestamp, and optionally format it with a custom format: use %d to show the days left, %h to show the hours left, %m to show the minutes left and %s to show the seconds left, Shows a clock with the time of the specified timezone, you can easily generate this counter here or replace timeZone with a valid IANA timezone, Shows the total amount of members boosting this server, Shows the given number with custom formatting based on the guild settings, Instead of waiting to see how will be the final result, you can use mc!preview to check how will look your custom counters in a chanel name or topic, Use mc!shortNumber when the counts are too large, You can also choose to show from 0 to 3 deciamls, How to install and host your own bot instance, Counters are placed by writting them in a channel name or topic, if something is between two curly braces (, ), Member Counter will considere it a counter, and it will update it in the next 10 minutes, , which counts the total amount of members in your discord server, you will find out more counters, Create a new channel, or/and edit it, and write, in the name or topic, and click 'save changes', If you reach the character limit when you are editing a name/topic, please check, You can see the current counter configurations with, , this is useful to add more counters without disabling the previous ones, in the name/topic, Member Counter will replace it to a ✅, that means that you removed all the counters of that channel successfully, Those counters with a * are not available anymore, unless you self host the bot, you can learn how to do it, , but the bot will count only the connected members in the specified channels, write the channel IDs you wanna count after the, , and separate the channel IDs with commas, This counts how much members has a role or roles, write the roles IDs you wanna count after the, This will display the returned amount given by the response to the specified resource, the bot will perform a, but the bot won't parse anything, useful to display names instead of numbers, user's meme count, replace username with the desired profile name, user's follower count, replace username with the desired profile name, Player count for game servers (Minecraft, Counter Strike, Rust, Ark, Team Fortress 2, GMOD, etc), replace, Shows a countdown that will decrease to the specified target date, you can easily, with the target date in a UNIX timestamp, and optionally, Shows a clock with the time of the specified timezone, you can easily, with custom formatting based on the guild settings, Instead of waiting to see how will be the final result, you can use, to check how will look your custom counters in a chanel name or topic, mc!preview {onlineMembers} of {members} Online.
Just a good way of showing how many server members there is without having to count or see the invite.

They automatically update, giving you a real one-time configuration process that you shouldn’t have to use ever again.

Cosmetic, aesthetically pleasing counters (statistics) for you and your server members.

Member Counter is a new and growing bot, it’s main function is to keep track of the amount of members in a server; updating when somebody joins and leaves, it also has many other features ranging from a cute cat command showing you pictures and gifs! Commands c!failrole [@role/role id] - Set a role for the bot to add to members who ruin a count. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. I have the bot statues working, but I don't know how to make it say how many members are in my server. Gooimeer 8, 1411DD Naarden, The Netherlands. Then, wait up to 10 minutes, and Member Counter will update it: You can also add multiple counters in one name/topic, and combine them with your own content, here is a example: If you reach the character limit when you are editing a name/topic, please check mc!help editChannel, You can see the current counter configurations with mc!seeSettings, this is useful to add more counters without disabling the previous ones, Edit the channel and write {disable} in the name/topic, Member Counter will replace it to a ✅, that means that you removed all the counters of that channel successfully, Those counters with a * are not available anymore, unless you self host the bot, you can learn how to do it here​, The total amount of members in the server, Approximated online members in your server, How many users are in the server, it excludes the bots, How many bots are in the server, it excludes the users, How many members are connected in all the voice channels in the server.

Netherlands. First use … How many members are connected in all the voice channels in the server. Counters displayed in a channel name/topic (, Multilingual: Spanish, Portuguese/Brazilian, Russian, German, French, Hindi… and growing! So members and bots added together.

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